Forum Thread
GeneIcores Adoptables- Dead within a day...
Forum-Index → Fanmades → GeneIcores Adoptables- Dead within a day...cave. As you enter the cave, the end of it starts turning into a tunnel and getting brighter and brighter. Soon you get to the end. You walk into a massive sanctuary filled with all sorts of strange creatures: Cats, Penguins, Manticores...wait- MANTICORES?! PENGUINS??????
Quick break for the Rules! (and some other general stuff)

1- No stealing my art. Don't come here
to just nab my art and post it as an 'appearance' for a mythical
creature RP claiming it's yours. That is stealing and will get you
reported and banned (from the art shop. But probably also PH and
maybe the state.)
2- Be nice!
3- Be fair.
4- No last-minute bids. Bidding ends at midnight every Saturday. (with the exception of opening night or a few other events.)
5- NO BARGAINING. It's extremely annoying, and i will NOT lower the starting bids because you have no money. This goes for asking other players to lower their bids, too.
6-No lowering your bid or going back on it. (one exception is if you don't have enough money to pay me when the auction's over. Then you can lower the bid to an amount of money you actually have.)
Password: potato penguin
2- Be nice!
3- Be fair.
4- No last-minute bids. Bidding ends at midnight every Saturday. (with the exception of opening night or a few other events.)
5- NO BARGAINING. It's extremely annoying, and i will NOT lower the starting bids because you have no money. This goes for asking other players to lower their bids, too.
6-No lowering your bid or going back on it. (one exception is if you don't have enough money to pay me when the auction's over. Then you can lower the bid to an amount of money you actually have.)
Password: potato penguin
Monday-Saturday: Auctions Only (as well as breeding couples. No- i'm not taking them in! They're making babies! |:3)
Saturday: Accepting couples who want to breed, also ending old auctions and putting up new ones and refreshing The Queen's Landfill's stock.
Sunday: If your couples need a little longer to breed (like if their rarity is Mythic or Ultra rare or the like), i suggest you drop them off today. These couples will breed until next Saturday.
Mods needed before Monday! Apply with this form:
I wanna be a mod!
Can you be active every workday? Y/N
Have you read the rules? (insert Password)
to get access to special Mod Items and Mod Auctions! You will also be able to give others warnings. :)
Auction House
As you approach the first building of the tour, you see a man taking prices from a croud. "50,000 PD! 100,000 PD! CAN WE GET MORE THAN 100,000 PD?? GOING ONCE, GOING TWICE..." You wince. You decide to take a look at the creature being auctioned off. A mythic-status Manticore, only a baby. It looks...confused. "Here is where you can get new GeneIcores by winning them from auctions. Obviously it's quite expensive, and you can always buy items and genes...but you don't have to wait too long for the GeneIcore to grow up if you get it from the auction house because we normally auction off Teens."
Up for Auction
for some reason the image isn't working so i'm just giving you a link to it's appearance
Tabby Cat
Components: (Tabby) House Cat Gene, Orange Leaf, Rusty Metal.
Family: 1Gen
Starting bids:
PD: 50K
Nuggets: 50
Next Saturday Midnight (server time)
same here
Components: Manticore Gene, Coal Chunk, Orange Leaf.
Family: 1Gen
Starting Bids:
PD: 50K
Nuggets: 50
Next Saturday Midnight (server time)
Orange Leaf
Adds Orange Color to your GeneIcore commission.
Starting Bids:
PD: 100
Nuggets: 50
Adds White Color to your GeneIcore commission.
Starting Bids:
Nuggets: 50
Both end next Saturday at (server time) midnight.
Mod Auctions
Striped Scarf
An accessory for your GeneIcores.
Size: Adult
Common (M)
Starting Bids:
Nuggets: 50
Ends next Saturday midnight (server time)
The Valentine Gardens
Soon, you follow the lady to an area of the sanctuary overflowing with roses, plants, and plants that look like hearts. As you look around, you shield your eyes as you see several couples...doing their stuff together outside. Suddenly appalled, the lady chases the couples back inside several heart-shaped caves. "I'm so sorry, they've all been acting up recently...protesting that they want people to know that new life is coming into the world. Even to strangers like you. It's a good cause...but they're definitely pursuing it the wrong way. Know what i mean..? Anyways, these are the Valentine Gardens. As you saw, it's where couples go to mate and breed." Shuddering, you try to get the disturbing image out of your head. "S-sorry." The woman apologizes. "Either way, bring your GeneIcores here to breed. But it does take a little bit of time, so drop 'em off Sunday or Saturday, please." You nod and look around the paradise. Pink waterfalls...heart-shaped, they were really into this when they made this.
Breeding Couples
Mating Couples
To drop off your two (or one of yours and someone else's (obviously with their permission)) GeneIcores (the ones you wanna breed(also they must be an adult to breed)) fill out a form and wait 1-5 days. Then you'll get an egg...or two...or get the idea. You'll get eggs. Once you come and pick them up, they'll hatch for you, revealing your couples' offspring.
The Form for dropping off your GeneIcores:

GeneIcores (please give me their name, gender, and appearance.):
The Day you're dropping the GeneIcores off (needed to estimate the breeding time):
GeneIcores (please give me their name, gender, and appearance.):
The Day you're dropping the GeneIcores off (needed to estimate the breeding time):
The Queen's Landfill
The woman beckons you to a small shop full of different junk. A sign on the top reads: "The Queen's Landfill". Charming. The woman walks up to a crippled-looking shop owner. As they start chatting, you see an irritated-looking teenage girl leaning against a wall. "Oh, hi. New here, 'aintcha? Well, welcome to The Queen's Landfill. We've got all sorts of junk- Coal Chunks, Beast Claws- all kinds of stuff for your GeneIcore. We've got scarves and accessories for VIPs, as well as some premium not-junk items for you! Alsopleasebuyourstuffgrampsandiarestarvingpleasesaveoursoulsthankssssss" The girl seemed desperate, so you decided to take a look around.
This Week's Stock
Next Saturday
Penguin Gene
Used in commissions to make Penguin GeneIcores.
5,000 PD
House Cat Gene
Used in commissions to make a random type of House Cat GeneIcore.
1,000 PD
Rusty Metal
Adds Grey Color to your GeneIcore commission.
500 PD
[center]"Well, i think we've come to the end of our tour. It was nice having you around, and i hope you take up residence here. Obviously, we're glad that you came even if you don't wanna stay." The strange woman cleared her throat and spoke once again. "If you do buy a GeneIcore or have a commission done by FadingMewgon (the owner) and don't want to come back to this lovely sanctuary, it's fine by me, but please don't steal my work or claim it as your own. Goodbye~!" With a flash, the woman disappeared, leaving behind a few rocks.