Explorer bags cant be traded, so yeah.
Nuggets must have at least 50 sent over at one time, so you must
have 75k pd ready.
If you need help, you can always palpad me or private msg me
Hi there! Are there any maps you are looking for in particular? I
can offer you a Volcano cave map or bottled messages/submarine
volcano map (I have 9 messages currently, so whichever of those
you'd prefer).
Bottled messages are items you can fish from the beach, and you can
trade 5 of them at the beach for a submarine volcano map, where you
can get Volcanion! It occurs to me that you aren't a high enough
trainer level to have unlocked the beach yet. You get it at level
12. With that in mind I could trade the bottles for a map for you
and send you the map so you don't have to wait.
Based on the PH price check thread, the Volcano cave map would be
worth 80 nuggets. If you are interested in the messages/submarine
volcano map, their value has dropped a bit since price check was
last updated. The bottles are worth about 50 each, and the map
about 250 now.
Yes, but only if you beat it. The map essentially guarantees you
will be able to walk away with one legendary. If you don't beat it,
your pokemon returns from the rumble mission holding the map. If
you do beat it, the map goes away but your pokemon returns with an
item you can use in the Ancient Cave to summon a legendary egg.
Oh okay. I'm sorry then, I think I'm going to have to pass on the
Heatran one then. There's a pretty cheap Heatran in the Auction
House. I guess maps are more for people who want their name as the
original owner?
In that case, I'll update the top post with ones where I would like
to be the original owner :)