Forum Thread
[B] New Pokésona
Forum-Index → Fanmades → [B] New Pokésona░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░

...No idea if this is the right board to post this, so might as well try out my luck.
My name is Phione, and as you can tell by the logo & title, I am looking for a new Pokésona. This Pokésona will be used to represent my image on multiple social medias, such as:, Youtube, Twitter, and many others. I am willing to pay just about anything, whether you have quality art or not, it personally doesn't matter too much - as long as the price is reasonable and I like the concept enough.
If you have a Pokésona that you'd like to show me (OR) you'd like to design me a Pokésona, it is prefered if you hit me up through Private Messages! Because I don't check forum notifications too much, it's unlikely that I'll see your reply - and if I do, it'll be very late.
Thank you for reading this message!

(This is directed to premade Pokésonas) I'm honestly fine with anything; any kind of Pokémon, any kind of theme, any kind of palette, etc. It's very unlikely that I'll deny your offer, unless if you're offering a pokémon that I don't like/don't show any interest on.
(This is directed to anyone whom is willing to design something for me) It's preferable that you follow my preferences below - especially the ones labelled in red and/or bolded -, as they're mostly based off my favorite pokémons, and also themes I'd love to see.
[KIND OF POKÉMONS I'D LIKE TO SEE] Pikachu & Raichu, Eevee, Espeon, Celebi, Leafeon, Lucario, Shaymin (Sky), Manaphy, Zorua & Zoroark, Landorus, Fennekin Evo Line, Pyroar, Hoopa (more may be added)
[KIND OF POKÉMONS I HAVE NO INTEREST IN] Croagunk Line, Glaceon, Scrafty, Trubbish Line
[KIND OF THEMES/PALETTES I'D LIKE TO SEE] Anything Team Flare related [Orange/Black Palettes OR Orange/White Palettes]
"Okay, but what can you offer?"
I have inumerous things I can offer - ranging from 1 million Pokédollar + 53 Nuggets, to off-site trades and Shiny Normal/Legendary Pokémon from the official games. Since the payment will go on and on, you'll have a list below of all the things I can offer.

- Over 1 million PD & 56 Nuggets
- A ton of Legendaries, Mew included
- A ton of Shinies, Metagross is not for sale though
- Over 10 Shiny Slots (NO LEGENDS), you can request more than 1 depending on offer!
- x8 Dragon Gems, a Black Box, Marine Cave Map, Vortex of Time Map and more valuables
[Flight Rising]
- Over 100k Treasure & 30 Gems
- A lot of GenOnes, for more info, please send a private message
- Some Event Apparel/Fams (ex.; Windbound Mask, Blazing Goblin & More)
- A trainee program, up to 3 dragons; I will train your dragon(s) of choice to Lv. 10 for free
[Chicken Smoothie]
- Over 2,2k Commons and Under & C$5
- Over 300+ Uncommons & 230+ Unknown Rarities
- Few Rares & Very Rares & 1 List Pet (Pink Heart Bun)
- Over 73 pages of items, tokens from past events included
- Over 300+ Pets, most Unknown Rarities & Events
(i don't have much i'm sorry-)
- Over 1 million PD & 56 Nuggets
- A ton of Legendaries, Mew included
- A ton of Shinies, Metagross is not for sale though
- Over 10 Shiny Slots (NO LEGENDS), you can request more than 1 depending on offer!
- x8 Dragon Gems, a Black Box, Marine Cave Map, Vortex of Time Map and more valuables
[Flight Rising]
- Over 100k Treasure & 30 Gems
- A lot of GenOnes, for more info, please send a private message
- Some Event Apparel/Fams (ex.; Windbound Mask, Blazing Goblin & More)
- A trainee program, up to 3 dragons; I will train your dragon(s) of choice to Lv. 10 for free
[Chicken Smoothie]
- Over 2,2k Commons and Under & C$5
- Over 300+ Uncommons & 230+ Unknown Rarities
- Few Rares & Very Rares & 1 List Pet (Pink Heart Bun)
- Over 73 pages of items, tokens from past events included
- Over 300+ Pets, most Unknown Rarities & Events
(i don't have much i'm sorry-)