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Orphans College.

Forum-Index Roleplay Orphans College.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:23 (8 Years ago)
Cassidy finished handing out the posters and headed back in the direction of her dorm. She counted the number of things she had to do on her fingers. She pulled out her phine to make a list. She saw her friend from home had sent her a text. She smiled and texted her back for a bit. She said goodbye and put her phone away. She saw someone holding a stack of papers and walked over, extremely curious. "What are you doing?" She asked.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:33 (8 Years ago)
Emma checked out the four books, sticking her library card in the bag. She picked them up one at a time as the librarian scanned them. The older lady handed her the books, and she thanked her. She was wearing a smile, which widened when the lady smiled back. She held them close to her chest, not wanting to take the chances of hurting them. She headed back to the dorm, opening it slowly and closing it with her foot. She set the books on her desk, setting a bookmark in the top one. She'd read them down the stack. She snuck out of the dorm, and made her way to the outside world. She noticed Cassidy and a boy, before she headed that way. She hoped they weren't mid-conversation.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:36 (8 Years ago)
Mitch paled at Leo's distrust, and he turned to stare at the ash tray. "No... No. It's, um, it's my dad's." Mitch's face grew impossibly sad, staring at the tray, his current expression dissonant with his persona so far. He could still feel the heat on his back from where cigarette butts had been extinguished on his shoulder blades. He began to flush, his face growing red and his fingers growing anxious. "Yeah, well. How about your major? You seem like a zoology guy, maybe?" Mitch spluttered, gesturing desperately at Leo's bird.
Trainerlevel: 46

Forum Posts: 296
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 21:46 (8 Years ago)
Koshōshō looked at the paper, her eyebrows raising. It was Emma's phone number. She slightly giggled, unsure herself why she was giggling. She grabbed her phone and put in Emma's number. She decided not to call her, putting down her phone. She stood in the same place for a bit, thinking what to do next. Snapping back into the world, she looked at the spare paper. Her head was filling with ideas what to draw. She sat down by her table and started drawing a base for a human as if it was trying to be posh.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:05 (8 Years ago)
Pan, who had noticed a girl walking thowards him (Cassidy this time), tried to not put a weary-face, and instead, smiled a little to seem like a nice person. She was looking at him like she was about to say something, or maybe ask - which Pan actually wanted to avoid right now. He didn't have time for conversation. And he was right about it. He snorted a little when the girl asked what he was doing like as in a 'I knew it' motion to himself.
"Im doing the lazywork before midnight, so all you newbies will know where to sit down tomorrow." He just responded, not even stopping. He walked past the girl without a single glance. He planed to stop by his own room and feed Toby when he got to it, because he had forgot to do that this morning.

Leo wrinkled his forehead a little.
"Your dadys..?" Was Mitch dad alive..? or did Mitch just carry them with him as a memory perhaps. Leo couldn't figure, but noticed Mitch sad face. He put his hands infront of his face like a girl.
"Eeh, forget it." He sort of, whispered that to himself. Mitch was a great guy. If he smoke, what does it matter to Leo himself..?
"Oh, no umh -" Leo started, answering the actual question he'd gotten before. "I like forming things, in clay." He continued, lowering his hands with a smile against Mitch. "But I don't think they have a major where you can just play with clay all day.." Leo mutered afterwards.

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:11 (8 Years ago)
Emma headed to the male, and tapped on his shoulder. "Er... Sir? Would you like someone to help you with those papers?" She asked softly, her eyes wide. She shifted, smiling at him shyly. To her, he seemed to not want to talk, but maybe she could talk to him by helping him with his papers. She glanced to the papers, noting it was huge. She let out a tiny, practically inaudible. She only wanted to meet and make new friends, though she was quite socially awkward. When it came to close friends, she was jokey and light. But when it was a new person she'd never met, she was as flustered and jittery as a young deer.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:13 (8 Years ago)
Mitch nodded hastily. "Yeah, seems like a lot more liberal arts. I mean, you could always check? They might have sculpting or pottery. Or your could do a general artsy degree, like Art and Design or Communications. I've been thinking about something like that, but I only really doodle." Mitch shrugged. "So what do you make? Have you finished anything before?" Mitch gasped exaggeratedly. "Do you have any with you?" He asked excitedly. Maou hopped onto Mitch's bed and curled up in his lap, shooting a lazy eye at Leo before snuggling down and taking a nap. Mitch absent-mindedly began to stroke her fur.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:23 (8 Years ago)
Cassidy just stared her mouth open. She closed it and glared daggers at his back. She walked up to him and attempted to snatch half of the papers right out of his hands. "Fine then. I'll do part of it myself. And I'll finish first." Cassidy said with a smirk. This person thought she was dumb because she was new? She would show him, she had had countless achivements just for being quick.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:28 (8 Years ago)
^^^ Post before not counted since it was too short. ^^^
The tap on Pan's shoulder made him to atleast stop. He didn't turn around at first, but when he noticed it was a different voice, he turned his head to look over his shoulder. Everything stoped for a second as he met her glance.
"I can do it myself." He insisted with a snooty tone, before thinking that everything would get so myck easier with someone to help him. Did he just turn down his own free-time this afternoon?
"Or well, if you really want to, you could take hal of the pile." He mutered feeling a little shameful about his earlier tone.

Leo shook his head.
"I make figures, pots are boring." Leo tilted his head a little before answering the other question.
"No, why would I?" He never brought any unnecessary things when he moved, or transvered schools. I't would only gime him more to carry. He never really liked his creations anyway, they always got clumsy, too undetailed and boring. He remembered one of them though that he liked. But Leo didn't have it anymore. One day he fell with it in his pockets and it crashed.

Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:38 (8 Years ago)
Emma nodded, ready to take half of the papers when she saw Cassidy snatch them up. A yelp escaped her mouth, making her cover it with a embarassed look. Her ears were tinted red as she prepared to listen to the two argue, closing her eyes. She hated arguing, and fighting in general. It usually found a way to make her cry. She let out a sigh, pulling her hand away from her mouth. She opened her eyes, one before the other. Her bright eyes flicked between the two, watching them closely. She was fearing the beginning of an argument.
Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 164
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:43 (8 Years ago)
Cassidy looked at Emma, obviously trying a very different approach. Cassidy didn't really want to talk to the boy again so she continued walking to her room. She went inside and decided to continue working on the introductory videos. She pulled out a couple of textbooks and took a couple of things from the table of contents and put them in the slides. She still had to complete a couple more but she expected to be done in time for dinner. She organized her thoughts in her writing nitebook and continued working.
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Sun, 11/09/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)
Pan immediately started to measure the middle of the pile with one of his fingers. He turned around to the girl and grabbed half, then handed the papers over. It was a load of his shoulder, he could feel it. Paper could be so heavy some times.
"There you go." Pan smiled a little. "We're supposed to hand these out in the dormrooms mailboxes, located on 975 doors in three buildings. Each building have 325 rooms." Pan turned around and started walking thowards the first dormbuilding again.

Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 00:03 (8 Years ago)
' God! Stop acting tough already. Just look at the scar in your leg. You think you can manage that? You know we got classes tommorow. It's just gonna worsen. Let's go the nurses office! " When nanomi switched out hands....he understood what she wanted. " Well, sorry but my muscles ain't good. " He said trying to act funny.
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 01:14 (8 Years ago)
Sirnef was about to give an unamused look, followed with a small witty statement, before his roommate spoke once again. "Oh thank god, really didn't feel like giving a paragraph of words explaining what we do." He said, almost sighing. "And really? Weirdo? Ouch." Tough to be fair, they had been called this by quite a few people, especially when they still don't know a lot about them, so who can blame him really. He continued fixing any luggage left on the floor, not that much left, but might as well finish it now. He gave an annoyed look at the towel he slipped on, yup, definitely his brother's, speaking of him, "hey what's the guy's name?" He asked his brother "Colt, or something." Was his response. When he finished, he gave a small whistle, and his dog immediately took his place next to him, half awake, but still "I'm going outside, if you need more questions to be answered, ask Napoleon, he'll answer it." He said leaving the dorm room with a backpack, his dog following behind him.

Napoleon was barely listening to what either of them was saying, one of the few things that he heard from Colt was about calling them weirdos, which didn't really bother him that much. When his brother told him to answer his questions, he quickly replied back "Nein, werde ich nicht!" "Oh yes you will!" Was the loud response of his brother. He laid back on the bed, daydreaming a bit, before getting back up on his sitting position, looking around. "Got any questions, ask them now." He said, with a bit more snarky attitude then he realized, he tried closing the door while still sitting down, before giving up, standing up, and closing it like a normal person. When he finally finished scanning the room he said under his breath "damn it, took it with him." well he was at least getting a bit more used to speaking in English.
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 22

Forum Posts: 188
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 03:30 (8 Years ago)
Mya was outside on the school sidewalk under a window,and behind a bush. She was drawing in her note pad,trying her best not to be noticed by anyone,she was hideing herself as best she could,but her feet were see-able to any passerbyers.she only hoped no one would notice her.

Trainerlevel: 15

Forum Posts: 51
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 10:07 (8 Years ago)
She giggled." Aww that's disappointing..." Then jumped on her feet." See I'm fine" She smiled again. "But if you insist we can go~ " she looked at him and fell into a tought." But I don't know what anything is yet, can you show me to the nurses office"
Trainerlevel: 64

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 11:11 (8 Years ago)
( 5 Lines Remember! )

Navneet was himself uncertain on where the Nurse's office was. " Uh, We could ask somebody...maybe or go look for it... " He was new to the place and he didn't know anything about it. He never intended to go the Nurse office even when he was hurt, he stated it ' Waste of time ' and deal with the problem alone. Suddenly out of the blue, he got a thought that he should maybe check the school brochure. He opened it and was looking for it...
Trainerlevel: 35

Forum Posts: 144
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 11:39 (8 Years ago)
(GlacionTheGreat have left the roleplay.)

Trainerlevel: 92

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 19:28 (8 Years ago)
Colt gave a shrug when Sirnef commented on his comment about them being weirdos. "If the shoe fits..." Colt breathed out nonchalantly, not bothering to finish the phrase. If they were too thin-skinned to get offended by being called weirdos, it was their problem.

And Sirnef asking his brother what Colt's name is definitely fits their weirdness. Sure, he might have forgotten to introduce himself to the second person to stroll through the dorm-room door but that was totally not 100% his fault. It's easy to forget such trivial things as introductions when on a quite the sudden confusing ride of utter 'what the heck's going on'. At least these two people didn't seem boring to live with, which may or may not end up being a good or a bad thing. Time shall tell.

When Sirnef took off with the dog and told him to ask stuff from Napoleon, Colt didn't bother asking where the smaller of the two was going. The answer would only make things more confusing, most likely. Instead, he watched with an amused smile as Napoleon tried and failed to get the door closed the lazy way. Colt then more or less ignored Napoleon's search for whatever his brother had snatched with him and let himself fall down on his back onto the bed he had been sitting on. He might as well take that opportunity to interrogate one of his roomies.

"Are you two German? Because that chibberish you were talking sounded a bit like German to me. I guess that would explain the weird names too." Colt stopped to consider something for a second there before continuing. "Well, okay, Napoleon isn't that weird but Sirnef sure as heck is. For a second there, I thought your parents were pretty cruel bastards to name him that." Though, to be fair, Colt surely wasn't your average John, or Mark, or Bob or whatever either. "How'd you end up here anyway?" Colt voiced another question while turning his head to look at the other occupant of the room. He was most definitely prying for possibly very sensitive information and being a prick by doing so. That didn't stop him though.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 268
Posted: Mon, 12/09/2016 21:13 (8 Years ago)
Emma took the papers into her frail hands, trying not to crumple the paper. Or give herself a paper cut. Jeez, those little things hurt. She looked down, as if checking her toes. Looking up, she blinked softly. A small, soft sigh escaped her lips. Her tongue flicked out to lick her lips before she nodded carefully. Shifting the papers into one hand slowly, she lifted her right hand onto the paper pile. Her small finger searching the paper for a dorm number. She found it near the top. A smile lit her small face. "I'll start in dorm... 360, building 2 I suppose." She stated with a soft smile, nodding once more. She really loved helping people. One foot shimmed across the ground a bit, the other balancing her. A red hue painted her cheeks and ears, and a grin decorated her lips, giving her small dimples.