Forum Thread
[L]Mystery Madness
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L]Mystery Madness

Hey there! Yes you! Do you have unwanted boxes and keys? Sazuu needs them! Whoops, note that not accepting black and gold mysteries, cause they're valuable. In this lottery you can win over 800 nuggets, shiny hunts, valuables and such! I'm not forcing you to join or something particular, it's your choice anyway. Chances increase the more you send~
[Lottery Deadline= When I get atleast a mix/pair of 300 boxes and keys]

1. Fill out the form.
2. Send atleast 1 key/box via delibird.
3. Enjoy!
1 key/box = 1 Ticket
[ Note: ] Password is pastels

Kuroo [ 178 ]
Soviet [ 166 ]
Raysins [ 31 ]
LoneMaple [ 25 ]
Duramon [ 13 ]
xShadow [ 8 ]
Zorala [ 4 ]
Anonymouse [ 4 ]
3abbie3 [ 4 ]
TechnoSpyform [ 3 ]
Zathis [ 2 ]
Aaron09 [ 1 ]

1st Placer
[♥] 800

[♥] 1 evo line hunt
2nd Placer
[♥] A shiny Mr Bagon or Van Bagon
[♥] 200

3rd Placer
[♥]Mega Hunt of Choice
[♥] Shiny hunt of choice
4th Placer
[♥] 3 random Legendary Summon Items
[♥] 2 random Summon Maps

m a d n e s s
Mystery Items Sent:
Tickets wanted:
m a d n e s s
Mystery Items Sent:
Tickets wanted: