Forum Thread
The Haunted Castle RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Haunted Castle RPAdan curled up and slept lightly.
Adan woke up, looking around. Where was that nice Umbreon? She scampered to a window, trying to push it open. Where did this lead to? Did the Umbreon lady go through here?
The other Thana noticed and went over to Adan.
"What do you think your doing little one?" She asked with a small smile on her face. She was glad the real Thana made sure the windows were unable to be opened by little ones.
"Yeah, everyone does. How's Adan, by the way?" Jayden asked, leaning against the wall. "You know, I'm quite impressed. You smuggling out the kid like that, lying smoothly."
"Adan is fine. I have a copy of myself taking care of her. And lying and smuggling is a easy trade for me. My parents disapporved of it till they needed my help to get my youngest sibling out of our land for their safety." She said not completely giving out her past.
The other Thana smirked and slightly hugged her.
"Sorry but for now being outside is unsafe. I don't want anything to happen to you." She said.
Jayden rolled his eyes. "So why DIDN'T you go with them? Was there some trouble?"
Thana looked at Jayden slightly.
"You can say there was some serious trouble going on back at my land. And the reason I didn't stay with them is because I was needed at the Kings and queens side for the time being." She said and walked around. She wasn't interesting in giving up her whole past. Not any time soon.
Jayden nodded slowly. "I understand." He said simply, even though his mind was buzzing with questions. But he wouldn't push. Not yet.
The other Thana smirked and playfully, but carefully, batted at Adan before running around slightly.
Adan chased Thana around, but then was dizzy and sat down.
The other Thana noticed and went near her.
"You ok little one?" She asked slightly worried.
Crook grinned at her and tipped his ear. "I don't know about you, but I'm fairly hungry. The measly bread the king brings us isn't enough. I'm going to the kitchen to see if I can get any food. Don't worry, I won't get caught. They don't call me Crook for not'ing." Then he dashed upstairs.
Jayden smirked. "They don't call me Crook for not'ing." He mimicked.
The other Thana laid right next to her. She was worried as crazy.
"It's ok." She said trying to think of something to help Adan. She then started to him the song that her mother hummed to her when something was bothering her.
The cell was dark but quite big and sturdier than most. On the walls were various scratches. There was also a water bowl.
The other Thana put her head on Adan still humming. She was trying to soothe her the best she could. This was worring her deeply. She knew her real half will learn more about this child and maybe even find a way to help her.
Adan shut her eyes, still shaking, but less. Wind seemed to ruffle her fur, but there was no wind.
'What is this? I'll need to let someone from my land figure it out. Good thing most of my people will be able to figure it out.' She thought as she quickly managed to get it down on paper and hide it in a section of her skull chained necklace.
The other Thana noticed.
'No this isn't possible.' She thought as she curled around Adan. She didn't like this one bit.