Forum Thread
The Haunted Castle RP
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Haunted Castle RPJayden slunk into the shadows, watching...
Adan shuddered and woke up. Where was she? She found the note, and chewed on it for a moment...It tasted icky. She spat it out and crawled under the bed.
"Till I must leave or someone comes enjoy the walking around." She said and walked around. Checking the other prisoners. Her gaurd still up. She wasn't sure if this Sylveon could be trusted but if he did betray her she knew what she had to do. She closed her eyes slightly as she made another like herself. So that way Adan wasn't alone.
The other version of Thana appeared in the house and saw Adan under the bed. She smiled at her.
"I'll be taking care of you from now on. And I will find a way for us to communicate." She said gently.
While the real Thana was in the dungeon and watched Crooks slightly while she walked and checked on the other prisoners. She wasn't sure what else to expect in this dungeon.
"Jayden? How many eeveelutions did the king put down here?" She asked knowing he was watching from the darkness.
"I dunno, ten out of a thousand prisoners?" He said. "Of course, some are from out of the land."
Crook walked around, stretching.
"Explains a bit. I don't see why the king would take others from different lands but what would I know that goes through this kings mind." Thana, the real one, said. She knew what her family did since she wasn't really a normal Umbreon. She came from the royal family of her land. But that wasn't something she was willing to share. She glanced towards Crooks watching him carefully.
'This is going to be a fun mystery to crack. Not just with this place by with those that reside within.' She thought with a smirk.
Adan stood up and went to poke around, curious.
"I don't see why others that are the kings and queens allow that since it's their land he takes from." She said. Knowing this she knew some of the Pokemon down her may know her from her and their lands.
The other Thana followed. They were in a single story house that held a kitchen, which was child proofed, bathroom, living room, two bedrooms, and a small, well big, yard outside. The real Thana made sure the place was far enough from the castle so Adan could have a decent childhood.
Jayden suddenly tilted his head, as if hearing something...Crook looked up. Footsteps.
Just in time, too. Pixie hopped down the steps. "Hey, Thana." She said. "Watcha doing with that lock?" She noticed her near the lock.
Adan ate it gratefully then played with her little doll.
"Don't want them to be able to get out if the king locked them up." She said with a small pleasant smile. She knew what was happening at the house with Adan because of her skull chained necklace.
The other Thana smiled at Adan.
"Maybe I can get you another doll so that one isn't so lonely?" She suggested.
Pixie nodded. "Good idea. The King want you." She said. "I don't exactly knows why, but I hope you haven't done anything wrong...But no worries!" She said quickly, and started up the staircase.
"You wanted me?" She said once in the area the king was in.
The other Thana smiled.
"We will see what I can get you. Maybe I'll make one for you once I have the proper materials." She said.
"Yes. I just wanted to inquire on your status report. You are knew, so I should tell you, you have to report to me about your job each evening at 8 o'clock and no later." He said, still sitting on his golden throne. "Which is now. Report."
"I would say it is going well, for my first day. There has been no issues with any of the prisoners. But I did notice something that is typically immoral in most lands. A young child in a cell. I'm sure you have reasons for locking the child up." She said her voice not betraying a hint of any of her emotions, in fact her tone was emotionless.
"So all in all everything is fine down there." She said her bright blue eyes not betraying her either.
'At least I don't have to give up my true status that I so much hate.' She thought. She stood up tall the whole time she spoke and was looking right at the king.
The other Thana laughed and hugged Adan back.
The King nodded. "I see. That child, gave you no trouble? I have a really good reason for locking the beast in there."
"The child isn't a beast unless you treat it as one." She said but her voice held coldness in it.
"Sorry but I was raised to believe that children were only beasts because of how they were raised and treated." She said not bowing to the king.
The other Thana picked Adan up and took her to one of the bedroom. She placed Adan on the bed and covered her up.
"Sleep well, my darling Adan." She said then kissed Adans forehead.