Forum Thread
Post the Last Thing You Copied
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Post the Last Thing You CopiedUMMMMMM.... ;>A> (It's completely safe XD )
How many?
What genders?
ya lol
Oh man, what is it with me and weird tumblr posts?! XD

both made by JustMe4031

both made by Harkness
Me did this :D
Friend code: 5215-1339-6944 PM me to let me know yours and I will add you :D
Trainer cards are cool!! c:
Ask me questions
horts","f":"13b0963a1bb4","v":"2","t":"equip_legs","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Top","f":"53b445e64a3f","v":"5","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Neutral Starter Rocker Girl Flats","f":"27d828224a4b","v":"5","t":"equip_feet","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Table","f":"5a3fc1d31bd0","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Bed","f":"1d9fbb031bd3","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Plant","f":"6d20b15d1bd5","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Light","f":"17e0e23d1bd7","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Rug","f":"572fa3a41bd9","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Door","f":"53fcc4381bdb","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Window","f":"293c97581bdd","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Fridge","f":"59839d081bdf","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Starter Chair","f":"e2137fa1c00","v":"10","t":"housing","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Punk Starter Top","f":"379279d21c03","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},{"n":"Warm Baggy Starter Shirt","f":"8d095e1c06","v":"2","t":"equip_torso","s":0,"z":0},
UFA Special-Powered Squirtle (Female)

Banner Made by Myself
Thanks to Liirah for making a Guide to create a Personal clicklist
Yahh Really I Edit my Sig Just Earlier and copy it So when mt Internet slows Ill reload and pate it again :)

Happy Summerween - Candies

both made by JustMe4031

both made by Harkness
Me did this :D
Friend code: 5215-1339-6944 PM me to let me know yours and I will add you :D