Forum Thread
The Adventure Of A Lifetime
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → The Adventure Of A LifetimeRules:
Regular ph rules.
Absolutely no foul language!! Any nasty words and you're out
Romance is allowed. Nothing beyond holding hands, hugging, kissing and JUST SLEEPING.
*Can be Gijinka or Pokémon*
Gender and preferred pronouns:
Here's me:
Name: Absolua (Abby)
Species: Absol
Gender and preferred pronouns: female, she & her
Personality: Abby is very quiet. She keeps to herself most of the time, and prefers to be alone, but she does love her friends, and will protect them with her life.
Feel free to sign up!! :D
Name: Wiskus
Species: Zorua
Gender: male
Shiny: yes ( ref. )
Personality: playful , likes cute stuff , will do as he likes most of the time
Name: Yuki [Japanese for Snow]
Species: Lapras-- Dressed Like Looks Like
Gender and preferred pronouns: She/ her-- Cisgender Female
Personality: Rather Open and spunky, but common to feelings of nervousness, remorse, depression and self hate. Very happy go lucky and hides all pain and shame.
Hope this is okay. O.o
Species: Dewgong (is a selkie)
Gender and preferred pronouns: Female, she/her
Personality: She's sweet, caring, and is quite fond of the water. She prefers to stay in Dewgong form during the day, as the sun irritates her skin, but will happily turn human when the sun sets.
Name: Chiara (Chi)
Species: Umbreon (Shiny)
Gender and preferred pronouns: AFAB Agender, they/them
Personality: They're very quiet and blunt, preferring not to speak at all on some days. They often hide in their hoodie when they get too overwhelmed (which is about 25% of the time).
Extra notes: These two are best friends, and Chi may or may not have a small crush on Ana. (Still deciding lol)
Name: Ach (H)
Species: Syduck
Gender: Female
Shiny? Yes
Mega? Depends if im fighting or mad.
Personality: To be roleplayed!

About me:
Favorite Game: Roblox
Favorite roleplays: Eeveelution camp 2, The new world.
Mood: Calm
Favirote pokemon of all time: Mew
Favirote animal: Capybara
Ocs: shiny Shinx with a scarf and a santa hat
Name: Nate
Species: Mareep
Gender: Male
Shiny? No
Mega? Well, no
Personality: Quiet at first, but once he gets to know you, he becomes almost a different person. Trys to help out whenever he can and is happy most of the time.
Name: Electra
Species: Raichu
Gender: Female
Shiny? No
Mega? Yes Not my art
Personality: She is wild and she usually gets to fight but she likes fighting . She usually gets into problems becouse she is really rebelious but she is also friendly so dont worry . Its easy to make her angry .