Oichi stood up as she heard her name. "Yup, that's me" she said as
she walked in front of the class. "Hi, everyone, my name's Oichi.
I'm a human with powers to manipulate plants and stuff" she waved
to the class, showing no signs of fear which I would say
should be rare.
Amy couldn't believe it. "Brendon's here? I thought I was the
only one from Cobalt that came here... But... I was wrong. And
Fluffy... And Braedon!" She thought happily.
Amy waved back, a smile of relief appearing on her face. "I've
gotten stronger since I last saw him. I won't cry. Not without a
good reason." She thought to herself again, determined.
Oichi walked back to her seat, waiting for the introduction to be
over. It was quite boring, she has to admit but at least it might
help someone pick who they want to be friends with.
Mr. Iro nodded, and once again, Mr. Iro's gaze fell on the class,
"Braeden?" He asked.
Braeden walked to the board, "I'm Braedon, a 716 year old vampire
with a form of biokinesis. And don't worry, I only drink pigs'
blood now, instead of pigs' and goats' blood. And no, I will not
turn anyone into a vampire."