Forum Thread
Life Relations!
Forum-Index → Forum Games → Life Relations!Rules:
Don't give me something you know I can't do, like "death" or "god" or something I don't have much knowledge about.
If I can't read it, or it is spelled really wrong, I won't do it.
If you want to use it, for whatever reason, ask me first, and give credit.
Thing related to life:
Hai, this is short XD
Thing related to life: The moon.
I dunno.
So, lets say you are the moon. You follow your Earth everywhere. Humans go though phases, like the moon does. A dark, sad phase, to a happy, bright phase. Life is very mysterious like the moon Ya like?
So, life can only be successful with the help of team members, and team members need support. Sometimes, they can splash you, but in the end, you will always win in one way.
Thing Related to Life: Teachers or Mentors