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Cobalt Academy - Academy for Magical Knights [Closed]

Forum-Index Roleplay Cobalt Academy - Academy for Magical Knights [Closed]
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 04/08/2016 22:57 (8 Years ago)

Welcome to Cobalt Academy! The Academy for Magical Knights!

"Cobalt Academy is an academy meant to train other's on how to use their magical abilities at their maximum potential. This academy accepts any human-like species.. We have many events coming up, and classes that are dedicated to Magic. We hope you enjoy your stay and make sure to learn and not to cause trouble!"
- Student Council President - Astreya Kusunagi

Oh yeah! I would like to mention that all attacks done within school grounds do not cause as much damage as they normally would. Damage will be slightly reduce. If any limbs would be cut off in the process, or deep gashes, they will be reduced to cuts that will have pain equal to the amount of damage it would have originally done. Killing blows are non-existent, and will be reflected by a magic barrier. However, piercing wounds that do not kill be untouched.

Each student and teacher also are covered in invisible magic barries that covers only the entirety of the body. This is what controls the damage.
- Student Council President - Astreya Kusunagi

Student Uniforms

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Male Uniform
(Student Shown: Draco Kusunagi)[/i]

Female Uniform
(Student Shown: Astreya Kusunagi


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Insert Appearance Here
[b]Gender (If any.)[/b]:
[b]Height (Optional)[/b]:
[b]History (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Personality (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Weapon (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Crush (Optional)[/b]:
[b]Other (If any)[/b]:

My Forms

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Draco Kusunagi
Gender (If any.):
Height (Optional):
5' 9"
History (Optional):
Draco's father was a demon and his mother was a Neko. Draco however was born entirely demon, while his sister, Astreya; was born entirely Neko. Draco and Astreya were separated when Draco was 4, and Astreya;3. Each of them were separated based on blood. Draco with his father, Astreya with mother. Draco grew up in a tough and poor neighborhood full of evil people and criminals. Draco was taught by his neighborhood many thief and combat skills. However; Draco's father was soon attacked by a gang that existed in his neighborhood and died while trying to protect Draco.

Draco blames himself for not being more encouraged or motivated to learn to fight. Draco at the time of this, was only 8 and mainly knew how to be a thief. After Draco's father death, Draco ran away from the neighborhood at the age of 10, and found his mother, along with his sister. Draco, after 2 years, returned to the neighborhood in which he grew up, now much stronger than ever. He killed the gang that had killed his father, along with many of the others he hated that still lived in the neighborhood.

The police arrived to the scene but Draco managed to get away. Draco's last name at the time was Fushi. But Draco then inherited his mother's last name, Kusunagi. Draco is still being looked for by police. His mother noticed how much fighting Draco and Astreya did and also knew of their Magic, so she sent them to Cobalt Academy.
Personality (Optional):
Draco is often quite silent. He isn't afraid to talk or start conversations. He just doesn't like starting conversation or talking openly. Because of his fast and the fact that he wanted, Draco is often afraid he's gonna blurt out something that's unneeded and get him caught our of sheer pressure or fear. He can also be quite oblivious and dense/thick.
Lightning/Electricity Manipulation
Draco has the ability to change up to three properties of Lightning/Electricity. He can make them brighter, denser, longer, and anything in between. Draco, however; Can also completely change the form of Lightning/Electricity. Instead of a normal bolt of Lightning/Electricity, he can launch a projectile, such as a sphere; that is made from Lightning/Electricity
Weapon (Optional):
The Aethon

Crush (Optional):
Other (If any):
No one knows of Draco's attack other than the people of the neighborhood and his family. Specifically his mother and sister only. Draco is specifically a winged demon. Here are his wings:

Astreya Kusunagi
Gender (If any.):
Neko (Cat Girl)
Height (Optional):
5' 4"
History (Optional):
Astreya had the same early history as Draco. Once Astreya moved away with her mother, it was quite peaceful till middle school. When Astreya was 12, she was bullied a lot by her piers. They would constantly call her weird for having Cat Ears and looking human. They would also mess around with her cat ears a lot. Draco often intervenes and beat them up. Draco would get in constant trouble for this, but he didn't mind as long as it was to keep Astreya away from bullies.

When Astreya was in high school, it only got worse. Along with the typical being made fun of and the messing with her ears, people started to aggressively flirt with Astreya. They would use cat, animal abuse, and demon puns/jokes to try and get her. They were trying to flirt with her and as well annoy her. Astreya one day had enough with the bullies and Draco trying to protect her. When she was being flirted at again, she unleashed her anger and she cursed the flirters and bullies with bad luck. Their bad luck got so bad to the point where they had to move away and try to free themselves of these curses. However; it was no use. Astreya was bribed over one-grand to lift curse. And she did so.
Personality (Optional):
Astreya is very scared of people and mainly talks to Draco along with family and very close friends. She is shy and easily flustered/angered. She often uses Draco as a human shield to hide herself from people who try to talk to her, or even approach her. She still doesn't feel comfortable about talking or even being around with people after Middle School and the drama that happened.
Astreya can place any type of curse on a person of thing. She can make curses that go from making people lucky, to limiting peoples lives. She can lift any curse, wether it would be from her or someone else's magic, or just regular curses. She can even lift family curses. However; Astreya doesn't usually lift curses and will often ask people for rewards ahead of time.
Weapon (Optional):
The Reaper

Crush (Optional):
Other (If any):

Jaden Astaroth
Gender (If any.):
Height (Optional):
5' 7"
History (Optional):
Jaden was part of a test conducted by ISEG (The NASA of this World). Him and 4 others were sent into space as young children. They were sent to a Moon Base on the Moon, of course, and the purpose of this test was to see if that humans could grew up on the moon or not. Jaden and 4 other were not 14 and were in spacesuits. They were about to return to Earth but Jaden's magic suddenly revealed itself. Jaden unleashed a large blast of light magic inside the Moon Base and almost completely obliterated it. Jaden grabbed some food that was floating through the debris and hurried inside the ship. He knew how to pilot it, thanks to simulations they were given.

Luckily the ship also had more rations and the proper machines necessary to hydrate the food. Jaden eventually did it make it back to Earth with barely any food left. Jaden was praised and also disciplined. He didn't want to go to Cobalt Academy but was forced too as a part of his punishment. The Mark on Jaden's eye is to remind him of his sins for destroying the moon base.
Personality (Optional):
Jaden is quite a mysterious person. He often gives off weird vibes that are hard to detect about what they represent. Is he giving off a stalker vibe? A friendly vibe? It is hard to tell, but not impossible. He is quite friendly and has no issues speaking to people.
Light Energy
Jaden is almost a one trick pony in a sense. He can use Light Energy but cannot really change the properties of it. He can fire blasts of Light Energy, or even create barriers. But he cannot control how bright or even how strong his attacks are.
Weapon (Optional):
The Parthel

Crush (Optional):
Other (If any):


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Roleplaying Rules
No God-Modding
No Power-Playing
Be Active! We the right to kill off your character if you haven't posted in about a week or so.
Subscribe! This will help make sure that your character won't be killed off!
Mild Swearing such as damn and hell are allowed (If you are gonna swear with more violent language then please censor it.)
No instant kills such as killing a player in one action. (Bob kills Tom.)
No Gary-Sues/Mary-Sues

Character Rules
NPC's can be controlled by anyone.
You may have any number of characters at a time, but please be realistic about how many you are capable of maintaining.
Each character may only control 1 weapon and 1 magic. No Exception.
Armor for Knights isn't needed since Knight is a rank. However; you can use armor if you so desire

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Thu, 04/08/2016 23:26 (8 Years ago)
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Age:13 (3 human years)
Gender (If any.):Female
Species:Skunk Humanoid
Height (Optional):3 foot 5 inches
History (Optional):She lived on a small island with her 2 friends tell she got a letter saying she was invited to the academy. She then packed her stuff and rushed to the acandemy
Personality (Optional):Normally pretty serious and clever
Magic:Ghostly Magic (she basically used sprites to do attacks and tricks like making fog and whisps appear. She can blast small beams of shadows but it takes time to recharge. If the sprite she used has a power of one of the 4 elements the sprite when used will be slightly fused with that element)
Weapon (Optional):A spear with a stuff like look at the bottom
Crush (Optional):Jacob
Other (If any):She normally likes to stay out of fights do to her size.
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A dark gray golden eagle (The shape of his body is a lot like scarlet's but has wings on his back,no pony tail,tail feathers, and a beak)
Age:15 (6 Human Years)
Gender (If any.):Boy
Species:Golden Eagle Humanoid
Height (Optional):3 feet and 7 inches
History (Optional):He lived on the same island as scarlet tell he flew to the school and signed up.
Personality (Optional):Pretty Stubborn, cocky, and normally acts like a tuff guy
Magic:He uses weather magic. He can make strong winds and even storms. Maddering on his mood madders what storm he can make.
Weapon (Optional):A small hand fan he uses to make strong winds.
Crush (Optional):None
Other (If any):He normally trys to act like he knows everything but normally he is wrong
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She looks like a normal human but with vary dark green hair that appears black at first glance. She always weres a small green heart necklace
Gender (If any.):Girl
Species:Cyber Witch
Height (Optional):5 foot and 1 inch
History (Optional):She lived inside electronics tell oneday somehow she gained the power to move through them with freedom. She soon found others of her kind and learned of this school and quickly signed up by going online.
Personality (Optional):Really high in energy and never really grows tired.
Magic:Sound Magic. She can make sonic booms once a month on nights of a full moon and make any sound and pitch in a small far range blast of sound.
Weapon (Optional):A small duel edged dagger.
Crush (Optional):Draco
Other (If any):She tends to use electronics to teleport from one place to the other do to her being a tad to lazy to walk from place to place.

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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Thu, 04/08/2016 23:28 (8 Years ago)
(Accepted. Once one more person joins, we may begin.)

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:16 (8 Years ago)

Name:Tiffany Martinez (Tiff)
Gender (If any.):Female
Height (Optional): 6' 1"
History (Optional):Tiff's father and mother were both demons. They were very fierce and taught Tiff and her "sister", Alice how to be really good at fighting and how to trick people. Tiff was mainly taught by her mother, who is a big trickster, so she soon learned how to trick people very easily and could steal from her own dad without him noticing within a year. After her mother died, Tiff and Alice ran away since their father was becoming very paranoid about her death and never stopped grieving. He soon had a bunch of ghosts with him who whispered in his ear and convinced their father that Tiff and Alice were the ones who killed their mother. After their father tried to kill Tiff, Alice shot him with her bow and arrow. The ghosts soon chased them out of the house and they ran away to Cobalt Academy.
Personality (Optional): Likes to trick people by acting very nice and patient. She is very nice and patient, but if you get on her wrong side, she becomes what she is, a demon.
Magic:Can charm animals to her aid
Weapon (Optional):
Crush (Optional):NA
Other (If any):

Name:Alice Yorkshire
Gender (If any.):Female
Height (Optional):5' 7"
History (Optional):Was abandoned by her parents when she was 4 because she was apparently imperfect to them, and was founded and taken cared for by Tiff's parents. She was mentored by Tiff's dad who was very good at fighting and basically refused to use any sort of weapon but the bow she got/found/stole before she was abandoned. Ran away with Tiff to the Cobalt Academy after she killed her father, or her father's mania, whatever.
Personality (Optional):
Magic:Poison (Can summon poisonous flowers/creatures to guard her, or kill off intruders or prisioners)
Weapon (Optional):
Crush (Optional):N/A
Other (If any):Was adopted by Tiff's parents after they found her alone in their neighborhood.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:22 (8 Years ago)
(Accepted. We may begin. I also edited my form in the other section of Draco's.)

Draco was waiting outside the girls bathroom for Astreya. Astreya was afraid to leave the bathroom and go to class without anyone accompanying her. Draco sighed and looked at the passing students, some of which were giving him a look. "When will she grow out of this?" Draco thought.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:23 (8 Years ago)
"What in the world is he doing?" Alice muttered to Tiff as they walked by Draco. "I have no clue, but all I know is that I need to go to the bathroom." Tiff said as she stepped past Draco and walked into the bathroom.

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:25 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet walks over to Draco while holding a book "Mind if I ask why you are standing right outside the girl's bathroom? It is kind of creepy..... almost anyway." Scarlet opens her book and stands right next to draco ~I really need to study up.....~.
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Draco looked down at Scarlet "Reasons." he simply replied.

Astreya walked by Tiff as she was entering. Draco looked at Astreya and sighed. Astreya looked away, shyly. "I'm sorry, Draco. I'll try my best to grow up." she muttered. Draco shrugged and the two of them walked to class. "I have a feeling someone is gonna call me a pervert right when I enter class..." Draco thought.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:28 (8 Years ago)
Tiff came out of the bathroom and rushed to class. "Stupid Alice, not telling me that there was only two minutes until class started. I'll get her back soon."

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:29 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet smiles a little and desides to follow Draco "By the way big guy my name is scarlet. I was hoping you could help me study for A class I am in if you don't mind. I cant seem to figure out one thing..... I cant figure out why curse magic is so important.".
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:30 (8 Years ago)
"Can't help you on that." Draco simply replied as he sat down in the desk that was in the far, back, left corner. Astreya sat down to the right of Draco. The bell rang and class began. The teacher was running late.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago)
Tiff entered the classroom seconds after the bell rang. "Where is the teacher?" she thought. "She's usually always on time."

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:32 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet sits only 2 seats away from astreya in the back and starts to read her book "I will never pass this at this rate..... I need a curse mage to help me with it..... I am but a simply Ghost Mage.....".
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:35 (8 Years ago)
A blonde bearded man who seemed to be in his mid 40's, entered the room. "Sorry for being to late to class everyone. I needed to make some last second changes to my learning plan." he said. The man walked over to the chalk board and wrote his named on it. "Hello everyone. My name is Mr. Nagayama. You can call me Mr. Naga or Mr. N if it's easier. Since this is your first day, I thought it would be best to introduce yourselves. When I call your name, come to the front and write your name on the board and then tell us a little bit about yourself." he said

Trainerlevel: 54

Forum Posts: 1,501
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:42 (8 Years ago)
Scarlet perks her ears up a bit and looks up for a moment before looking back down at her book ~I so hope I don't mess my first day here up. I only get 1 shot. I better make it good or else......~ starts to get lost in thought ~I wonder how many sprites could fit in this room and how fast people would run if they were scared of Ghosts?~.
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Sushi Striker: The Way of Sushido Hype~!

~Sprites Made By CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen~
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:45 (8 Years ago)
"Sooo, how about we start with you there in the front." Mr.N said pointing to Astreya. "We'll start from her and go in a line going in a squiggle."

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
Astreya squealed in fear. She looked at Draco with panic in her eyes. Draco gave her a reassuring smile. Astreya nodded and wrote her name on the board. "My name is Astreya Kusunagi. I'm 16 years old and Draco over there, is my big brother. I also use curse magic." she said and looked at Draco so everyone knew who she was talking about.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:49 (8 Years ago)
"Anything else?" Mr.N asked.

Trainerlevel: 14

Forum Posts: 50
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:50 (8 Years ago)
"I'm a Neko." she shyly said and wiggled her ears slightly. She blushed in embarrassment and looked down. Draco tried his best not to laugh.

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 83
Posted: Fri, 05/08/2016 00:51 (8 Years ago)
"Thank you, you can sit down now and we will move on." Mr.N said. "You're next." he said pointing to Draco.