"yeah this is corrine. im pretty sure both of you have seen her
before shes my second dragon shes only a year old though i got her
during last years school year remember ^_^"
"he vanished i just went after him to make sure he didnt get lost"
lunath responded to wind
"I'm going to go back to my duties. if you lunath has any questions
for me please contact blackstar" the vampire dragon had vanished
back into the shadows
"oh ok" corrine responded
lunath watched the dragon go for a momment curious
"yeah probbably but also you can probbably help get the school set
up for the upcoming school year too. or just keeping corrine out of
trouble she deffinatly is an energetic one" blackstar said looking
at her dragon
"I shadow hopped right to him when i noticed he was gone" lunath
said to wind
the vampire dragon had popped back into blackstars cave in the
"I can do both if you want. I can help set up, and keep Corrine out
of trouble... I think. You can rely on me to help you as much as I
can!" Spark replied cheerfully.
"i want to go folllow the dragon though . Will you let me. do you
know where blackstar is. will you let me just shadow hop there" she
said quickly she wanted to find out more from the dragon
"yes that would be great " after saying this she had sensed the
vampire dragon hiding "ah youve returned. sparks a friend of mine
its fine for you to come out" the vampire dragon had suddenly
solidified into his true form
"Oh. Well then, pleasure to meet you Goronwy." Spark said, slightly
bowing. "Wish you could meet my rider, but alas he's not here right
now... and I have no idea where he is though."
"ah thats too bad though " goronwy had said "I need to get going
but if the yearling. lunath i think comes please seek me out . the
dragon had walked twoards the doorway that led to the crystal not
really wanting to converse
"hes not really the kind of person to socialize unlesss nessesary "
"Woah woah woah, alright..we can go, but behave yourself once we
get there okay?" She nuzzled lunath and tuc "Lets go, it isn't too
far from where we are now.." She started walking
Tuc followed, still looking around in awe
Turmoil Sighed " I'm gonna go out or a walk, see you guys!" He
started to walk out