(I would keep arguing, but we will never move on like that.
I SAW your only form. It was her, but you renamed. Also, if she IS
that whole character, she should have a new form and Sora should
have accepted)
(Yes move on BUT Charlett NEVER existed.Please know i am correct
because i wouldn't change a forum name unless the Person that made
the forum told me to.)
Olivia set the kitten down, and clapped six times. That was the way
to turn on the robotic feline, and it's little eyes lit up. She
giggled as it rubbed against her leg, making small mews. She smiled
as the cold metal grazed and carassed her skin. She sat down, and
the kitten crawled into her lap, pawing up her thighs to lay down.
*They Walk in The bakery.*
"Muffet?Where is Muffet?"
*Rings bell*
*A sudden sound of Coming!*
"Here!"Muffet says.
"I would like 3 donuts."
"Yes that will be 10 Gold."Muffet says
*Gives Muffet 10G*
*She hand us three Donuts.Hands 2 to Hera.*
"Eat up Hera."Hestia says.