(Um, no. I don't know what the lamp is made of, but its definitly
hard enough to be more resistent to a bare, human hand. Sorry if Im
being nitpicky tho)
(again, cant be destroyed by human hands. Nor by human foot.
Also, try to be literate on your posts, no offence.)
Eugenie got out of his lamp, and while looking around, saw a brat
trying to break his lamp.
"Excuse me, you unevolved monkey?!" he angrily asks "Alphys has
wasted more than her time making this lamp, and now you're trying
to destroy it?!" he asked again
Olivia was in Alphys' lab, tinkering with the lizard lady. She
smiled at the other, giggling. She held up something she'd been
working on for a long while, a robotic kitten. It was small and
cute, with completely white eyes such as her own. She received a
compliment, and blushed lightly. "Thanks. She's programmed to meow
and follow you around. She'll be my new little friend!" Olivia
said, smiling at Alphys happily.