Forum Thread
As the Seasons Go By
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → As the Seasons Go By~Rules~
1. Follow the PH rules.
2. You can't have any more than two characters, witch have to be of separate classes to have variety.
3. No password.
4. Not much else, besides some notes, You can catch Pokémon, but Shinies and Legendaries right off the bat is not allowed, and you have to ask by PM for both of these when I say so. Only 1 legendary and 2 shinies are allowed. Shiny legendaries are not permitted at all.
5. I may have a main character to just roleplay with, but I will control NPC's and I will control battles. Just to keep it fair, you will win sometimes, but you will not win all the time. No shiny or legendary characters.
Classes: Gjijnka (You have all qualities of a Pokémon, just in human form. You get the stats, most of the looks, the moves, all of it.)
Shapeshifter (You can transform into different Pokémon that you have seen at will, but you will only get looks. You are an actual Pokémon, however, you have some qualities of a human, and you have a set Pokémon. I will choose the type.)

Type Order:
And last, the form!
Username: (For purposes)
Character Name:
(If Gjijnka)
Pokémon fused:
Current Stats:]
(If Shapeshifter ((After I give you your type))
Current Stats:

Username: Oddballme
Character Name: Elli(ot) Mays
Gender: Female
Class: Shapeshifter
Type: Fire (10)
Pokémon: Rapidash
Looks: A normal Rapidash, though she does have a 'v' shape in her horn.
Moveset: Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Inferno, Fire Blast
Current Stats: HP: 112, Attk 146, Def. 101, Sp. Attk. 156, Sp Def. 145, Speed 201.
Personality: A more going with the flow person, she's laid back, but not afraid to fight.
History: Not much is known.
Other: ~
Character Name: Elli(ot) Mays
Gender: Female
Class: Shapeshifter
Type: Fire (10)
Pokémon: Rapidash
Looks: A normal Rapidash, though she does have a 'v' shape in her horn.
Moveset: Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Inferno, Fire Blast
Current Stats: HP: 112, Attk 146, Def. 101, Sp. Attk. 156, Sp Def. 145, Speed 201.
Personality: A more going with the flow person, she's laid back, but not afraid to fight.
History: Not much is known.
Other: ~
A chilling breeze hangs in the air, as well as some mild clouding.
Recap: On a plane. The waiters have came. Eill and Tusk have taken orders, and are chatting while waiting for food. Nothing major has happened yet.
Username: (For purposes) jules2800
Character Name:tusk
(If Gjijnka)
Pokémon fused: haxorus
Looks:(i would be better at this if i was spriting but that isnt an option with my computer down so ill do my best with just a disc) looks mostly human but has 2 large scyth (cant spell) like tusks , red claws/talons on hands and feet. She also has a tail . She has brown hair and slightly yellow skin.
Moveset: dragon claw, dragon pulse, duel chop, slash
Current Stats:] hp:147 attk: 164 def: 99 sp. attk95 sp. def 94 spd 100
Personality: kind will do anything to help a friend
History:not much known
Character Name: Diana
Gender: Female
Class: I want to be a shapeshifter, so I'll wait till you give me a type before doing the rest of the form... EDIT: Got dark.
(If Shapeshifter ((After I give you your type))
Pokémon: Absol/Mega Absol
Looks: Looks like a regular Absol, except the hair on her head is a big longer than a regular Absol's hair, and the aqua eyes she has as a human. When she turns into a Pokemon, a necklace appears on her neck with an Absolite on it.
Moveset: Razor Wind, Sword Dance, Night Slash and Psycho Cut
Current Stats: look at bottom:
Personality: She is harsh and brutally honest, but she does have a nice side to her. She has no problem communicating with others, but prefers to remain alone.
History: She discovered her powers when one day, she accidentally turned into an Absol in her 5th grade class. Ever since then, her peers stayed away from her and even talked about her behind her back. Then later on, in Freshman year of high school, one kid who decided he'd be her friend despite her powers, decided to test out her Pokemon powers, by sending out a Pokemon to fight her. It was only then that she realized she could mega-evolve, too. She never knew what the necklace was for, but it was then that she did. Ever since then, she honed her powers in preparation for the future.
Other: Thanks!