Forum Thread
Random Item Gift
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Random Item GiftIf you want to give something away, just post a feed, make a raffle or just give it to your friends, there's no need to make a new feature. There's the Wish Factory if you want to give someone something they'd like, this thread to give something away and get another thing in return and overall there's no need for such a feature. You didn't even supply a reason either as to why this would be useful other than you would like it.
@Musashi With your logic, that also means that there is np purpose for the Dream World Random Plushie User option, right? Also, that's what suggestions are, things we would like in the game! For example, the very first addition was Emojis, they are completely useless, but they were something we just wanted, so they were added!
Plushies are meant to be gifted to others, items are meant to be used for something. Delibird Item Delivery is for the convenience of users to send things to others, not nessecarily to gift items to others.
Yes, suggestions are what would you like in the game but suggestions need a good reason to be suggested in the first place. Though, a reason is actually mandatory but would help relate others with the suggestion and support it.