Keiko got up and out of the bus, she had not uttered a single word
throughout the bus ride while on the other hand Leo was singing
songs all the way and he was going ahead and then coming back to
his place like ten times "wow! Was that so NOT fun, nobody said
anything!" Leo said once again a pout appearing on his face, Keiko
rolled her eyes "um, w-where are we going next?" She asked
Draco looked at Leo "What do you expect? It's a bus ride and we
have an important mission. Next bus stop is a mile away from here
and there are no taxis to drive us there. Time to walk." he said
"Hah, piece of cake!" Leo said with a smile, Keiko glared a bit at
Leo and muttered in his ear in a much scarier voice"remember, not
everyone is Uncle's child and not everyone has great stamina", Leo
was quite surprised by her change of voice "s-so we should go" she
said once again realising what she just said and her voice going
back to normal
"I'm going to get something to eat first. Closest restaurant is
like 10 minutes away." Draco said. Draco looked at his phone as he
started leaving to go to the restaurant to at at. Draco looked back
at them "You can come if you want." he said to them.
Just as they were about to leave, Tiff appeared riding a bear. "Do
you really think that you can leave me behind?" she asked them. "I
was at the bus stop for TWO HOURS because I thought you were
waiting for me." she growled. "Its a good thing that this bear was
found around camp or else I would have never made it here."
Tiff glared at them some more before she sighed,"Looks like another
one thousand mile trip into the middle of nowhere. Lets go!" Since
everyone just stood there, she added, "Hurry up! Onto the bear, or
are you guys to scared?"
"No thanks, we're all walking and its common sense, there are 6
people a bear can't take 6 people at a time,right?" Leo said
answering her to tease her a little
"Okay then, I was talking about my first animal that I ever charmed
and has always liked me and can go up to speeds after the speed of
sound, but if you don't want to, I'm fine." Tiff replied, kicking
Leo in the guts.
"Huh? First you kick such an innocent little boy so hard and then
say that i have a smirk on my face? How cruel" He said making a
cute puppy face when he said 'innocent little boy' and looked diwn
literally smirking this time, Keiko rolled her eyes.
Tiff decided to be nice and not trample this "innocent little boy"
with her bear because she just got another idea. "Well, Arion to
the rescue, again." she muttered. "Have fun travelling over the
speed of sound Leo." she smirked.
Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of a sonicboom as Arion arrived
next to Tiff. "Good horse," she said grooming his mane. Arion
neighed, which translated
to,"*&#*$&@^$&#*%&#^@&*$(#&$^%&$* I AM
@#(!*#$)#&$*@(@#*$&#$*$(%*#$%&*", you get the point.
"and Arion, he's riding you." Tiff said as she dragged Leo onto the