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Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!
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Forum Games → Waiter, there's a ______ in my soup!
Forum Posts: 117
Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 00:12 (9 Years ago)
I thought you ordered double soup D:
Waiter, There's some toast in my soup!
Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 18:28 (9 Years ago)
The cook thought the soup was a bit too watery, he was trying to
Waiter, there's a key to a brand new car in my soup!
Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 18:30 (9 Years ago)
Title: Hi
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 32
Forum Posts: 920
Posted: Tue, 14/04/2015 18:31 (9 Years ago)
(Skipping CastanCats)
Well, now you own it!
Waiter, there's a train in my soup!
there! if you'd like to learn more about me, go check my

Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 00:00 (9 Years ago)
"I Like Trains" Dude-I like trains. *Train hits you*
Waiter, Rageikarp is in my soup.. HE'S ANGRILY SPLASHING SOUP AT
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 33
Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 00:37 (9 Years ago)
Clearly you have excellent perception.
Waiter. My cat is in my soup. Explain.
Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 02:41 (9 Years ago)
Clearly somebody thought it wouldn't have been purr-fect without
Waiter, there's a crayon in my soup!
OFFLINETrainerlevel: 33
Forum Posts: 949
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 03:27 (9 Years ago)
Color me unimpressed.
Waiter, the blank avatars are in my soup. .-.
Forum Posts: 6
Posted: Wed, 15/04/2015 20:41 (9 Years ago)
Waiter, there is poison in my soup I'm calling the police
"I am, and always will be, the optimist, the hoper of
far-flung hopes and dreamer of improbable dreams."
-The Doctor
Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Sat, 18/04/2015 03:28 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, my Weedle thought it was a Ditto.
Waiter, there's a Wolf Link in my soup! (Because I got Legend of
Zelda: Twilight Princess. And I'm hyped)
Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Sun, 19/04/2015 21:52 (9 Years ago)
How did he even fit in there? O-O
Waiter, there's a Triforce in my soup!
Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Tue, 21/04/2015 21:26 (9 Years ago)
Don't give it to Ganon!
Waiter, there's a master sword in my soup! (The zelda, it's real)
Forum Posts: 91
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 22:28 (9 Years ago)
well your the hero now then.
waiter there's a fused shadow in my soup
Forum Posts: 307
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 22:42 (9 Years ago)
Waiter, there's a person in my soup! D:
"We must raise our hearts, not our voices. It is rain
that makes the flowers grow, not thunder." - The Breadwinner
Forum Posts: 70
Posted: Wed, 22/04/2015 22:48 (9 Years ago)
excuse me sir? do you know the meaning of privacity? i'm trying to
take a bath on your soup here.
Waiter! there's a Chinese
dog food box on my soup!
Forum Posts: 33
Posted: Thu, 23/04/2015 02:49 (9 Years ago)
Sorry it was ment for the dog
Waiter theres a unicorno in my soup (no not unicorn,unicorno,there
cute so look em up)
Under construction
Forum Posts: 135
Posted: Tue, 28/04/2015 01:16 (9 Years ago)
*Takes because adorable hype*
Waiter, why the heck is this Jade Orb in my soup?
Forum Posts: 99
Posted: Wed, 29/04/2015 18:29 (9 Years ago)
You can now summon Rayquaza.
Waiter, there's a doge in my soup.
Forum Posts: 91
Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 00:19 (9 Years ago)
much soup so wow
waiter there's a masterball in my soup
Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Thu, 30/04/2015 01:01 (9 Years ago)
Don't waste it! Seriously, we're never giving you another if you
catch a Rattata with it.
Waiter, there's a live Krabby in my soup! What's it doing there?