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what are the perfect pokemon for vanoss and his crew?

Forum-Index General Discussion what are the perfect pokemon for vanoss and his crew?
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Tue, 05/07/2016 09:34 (8 Years ago)
I know that Vanoss himself would probably be a noctowl and Nogla would be a crawdaunt but I need a pokemon counterpart for the other members of the crew.

here's who they are

H20Delirious: _____ (personally im thinking Mr. Mime but am not sure)
Mini Ladd: _____
Lui: _____ (most likely a monkey-like pokemon)
Moo Snuckle: ______
BasicallyIDoWrk: _____
MR Sark: _____
and Terrorizer: ______

the reason for me asking is because I want to make a team or two of pokemon named after each of them while also having those pokemon represent each person.

please post suggestions.