Sunstrike continued to supervise, making sure that everyone in the
camp was okay.
Sapphire smiled, taking Kotaro into the experimenting chamber. She
put him onto one of the experimenting beds and strapped him into
it, ensuring that he wouldn't suddenly become conscious and escape.
She grabbed a syringe from the holder. "Haha, this is just
(Kotaro stole Lilly, but Sunstrike got her back, and Kotaro ran
off. Then, Kotaro (who was already turned savage) was taken again
by the scientists, and is being experimented on again as we
Sunstrike continued studying the camp, staying alert as the rays of
morning sunshine began to strike the camp.
Lilly slowly awoke. She got up and managed to sneak out of the
tent. She saw that Sunstrike wasn't looking, and left the camp
Artye's paws quickly swished back and forth as she scribbled
something on a piece of leather. She took the leather with her
mouth and placed it on the broken wall, before quickly sticking a
piece of tape on it.
"Yes, yes, perfect!" she yelled out in happiness. She took a step
back and admired her work. She yawned and stuck her head out of her
window, seeing the hue of the sunrise.
"Sunrise already?" she shrugged, talking to herself. "Must've been
working on this map for quite awhile." She looked back at the map,
seeing a red dot right in the centre of the whole map.
"Oh yes, that's right." she whispered. "More Pokemon live in that
Sapphire worked quickly. She injected the substance into Kotaro.
This will make him even more dangerous and powerful when he's
angered. She thought. She unstrapped him from the bed and sent
him out from the lab. She then went over to Artye.
Sunstrike continued guarding and supervising the camp.
As Kotaro woke up, he felt weak and a bit of pain where Sapphire
injected him. He assumed that he knew what happened and went to the
kitchen to eat. He did feel a bit weak from starvation
Two young-looking Pokémon, a Vulpix and a Shinx, dashed towards the
Pokémon town. The Vulpix was tagging along, gasping for air after
what seemed like a long journey, but the Shinx insisted, "Esti!
Hurry up! We're almost there!"
Arwen waked up , she falled asleep in her tent m she looked around
"Well , i guess i was asleep pretty long time , i should find
someting to eat for others.." Shesaid and grabs a little basked
maked from grass and walks away
Ofeila walked out of lab , she is holding tranquilizer. , she
noticed Newbie pretty quickly "Oh , Hi ! Can you please return to
lab in peace ?" She said with smile , she isnt fighter ..