Forum Thread
Anzu's mysterious Basar! [Update!]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Anzu's mysterious Basar! [Update!]Hey folks!
I still have some things i'm currently selling!
And yes, this thread is always up-to-date!

Items for sale:




Lugia Egg Voucher x2

10 000

15 000

35 000

- make a fair Offer
Shiny Meowth
- make a fair Offer - Nuggets only!!

• follow the PH-Site Rules
• don't rush me
• don't PalPad me
• i will always send the Items to you when you paid first
• don't send the payment when i havent agreed to a trade!!
• no, i don't sell anything else!
• no filled out form = no trade
• make only an offer for items i have clearly stated as "- make a fair Offer"

for buying:
[b]Hey Anzu! I want to buy something from you![/b]
[b]Items i want:[/b]
[b]Other Notes?[/b]
for an offer:
[b]Hey Anzu! I want to make an offer![/b]
[b]Items i want:[/b]
[b]Other Notes?[/b]

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Thats totally fine, heh.
And accepted: Send me the payment and i will send the bait to you~ uwu

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Send the PD and i'll send the Item! uwu

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Accepted! :3
Send the payment and i send the Items >v<

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Accepted! uwu
Send the payment i will put the Lugia Egg Voucher for you in the GTS! uwu

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Hey Anzu! I want to buy something from you!
Username: EspeonLover
Items i want: x1 magnetic bait
Payment: 8.5k
Other Notes? Thank you ^^

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33
Thank you!
Your Pokemon with the Voucher is in the GTS! :3
Send the payment i will send the Item to you! >v<b
Send and thank you, you two <3

N e v e r . f o r g e t </3
(c) by Pein
Username: ShadowSami
Items I want: 1x Lugia Egg voucher
Payment: 8500 PD
Other: You have great deals, thank you :)

Name: Sunshine
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage