I suggest that the mega bubble/message saying its a mega able is
visible on the 'Select Pokemon' screen on the auction house and the
GTS while offering a Pokemon for auction/trade. Example below-:
It will help with clarification if similar Pokemon are present
within boxes. For example, I have a normal Charizard, a mega able X
Charizard and a mega Charizard Y in the same box. It would help if
I could differentiate between them.
I support this, as it would make it easier to sort my pokemon. Also
I want to point out that it's funny you put Charizard X's Mega
Bubble on the Charizard Y.
100% Full Support.
I auctioned a mega-able Heracross that I got from the lab
accidentally that I hatched randomly because I wasn't aware of it.
I only realized my mistake when the current bid was way too high
for a normal Heracross. I don't want to make this mistake again,
and this feature will help other people too. So I used the money to get a Mega-able Pidgeot, but it got me
really sad that I couldn't see my Heracross because of some stupid