The male lets out a loud laugh"Seriously,you believe in that old
rumor?"He asked,wiping a tear."Anyways.The name's Shinya
Hiiragi.The only one who's sane and alive in this town."
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
Once they were in,he shut the door.It was quite hard to push since
he's living inside an old abandoned house."Make yourselves at
home.Look at the portrait maybe?I'll go make some tea.Does
chamomile sounds nice?"
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
"Alrighty-then."He said with the warm smile.Again.He went to the
kitchen,grabbing the chamomile tea bags that were in a can.Once he
finished making the tea,he went back to the living room."Sorry to
keep you guys waiting but,here it is."
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,
The room grew silent for a while.But that was only for a while
before a smack could be heard.Shinya had facepalmed due to his
stupidity."Ah right.Emma,Fenn and Chase."He repeated
before letting out a chuckle.
Something that feels as good
as this, there is nothing else like it,