(Sure you can be the puppet please do the form and sorry if were
not roleplaying right now we do about everyday but don't worry this
roleplay is still open by tomorrow i bet someone wil start again
just to let you know)
Username: kitty_izzy
Name the character or oc you want to be: the puppet
Reference(optional): here
Any Crush(You dont have to have one):none
Promise to be nice?(Yes or no): maybe (yes)
Pepper yawned and laid back down in her vent. Tonight WAS going to
be her night. The new guard stood no chance. She excitedly hit her
inner teeth (the two sharp pairs) together, making an eerie
clanging sound that echoed through the vents.
Olive laid curled up in the Parts and Service Room, shut down. Ya
know, the way animatronics sleep. She made no movement, not a
twitch or breath, being a robot.
”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your
technological guide!"
Mangle just saw this portal who had happend. Wade said the humans
couldnt see, but was it really that fun seeing two animatronics you
thought were turned off, go through air? Mangle wanted to be here.
Afraid of if they would know if she left, or if there were another
Arii is in the Kitchen and she trying to get blood out from her
mouth , she still have parts of meat stucked between fangs and she
really dont like it ....
(Okay. Springtrap is all rusty in 3 and in FnaF4 is GOLDEN BONNIE
JUST PERFECTLY. 3 must come after 4. I will make FnaF4 RP and you
can join if you want to.)
Freddy tried to jingle the Toreador March but the sound was fully
distortioned. He said:
"Perfect! I will jingle this before the jumpscare as I did before!"