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Another Pokemon Adventure {Lit RP} (Full)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Another Pokemon Adventure {Lit RP} (Full)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 19:22 (8 Years ago)
Hello and welcome to another Pokemon Roleplay. :) Here you'll find all the rules, plot and what characters are in the roleplay. So lets get started.


Welcome young trainer to the Johto region. You and your friends are finally able to start their Pokemon journey, and with today's technology we can now offer new trainers any starter Pokemon they'd like, from the Kanto starters all the way to the starters from Kalos. Isn't that just great? So why don't you come in further? Take a look at all we have to offer, make a decision and begin your journey.


You and your four friends have finally decided that you would like to start your journey together. As always, all new trainers and coordinators begin in New Bark Town. Each one of you is a rival to the other, but remember to have fun and enjoy the journey as well.

As you began to unravel the mysteries of the Johto region you also run into some very suspicious looking people. You slowly learn that they are Team Sun and Team Moon, each having an objective in mind. At first you and your friends paid them no particular attention, as they didn't bother you. But soon you heard the rumours, the whispers in the air of what each said team wanted to accomplish. You heard Team Moon is trying to capture the legendary Pokemon Yveltal to try and harness it's power once more to eliminate all the Pokemon that inhabit this area and then others. While Team Sun has been trying to capture Xerneas with the hopes of counteracting Yveltal's power and save the Pokemon. But what these teams don't know is that when these two forces meet it could mean the end of Pokemon and humans alike.

Now that I have your attention, and all the goodies are out of the way, we have to set some ground rules for the roleplay.


1. All PH rules apply, no exceptions.
2. No Powerplaying or Godmodding.
3. No perfect characters (mary/gary-sues). Everyone has flaws.
4. This is a Lit roleplay. I do not want to see one liners. You must have a minimum of 4 sentences in your reply. That is a paragraph. Everyone can write that much, it isn't hard.
5. I understand English is not everyones first language so spelling mistakes every once and a while are alright. But if you start talking "lyke dis" then I will not hesitate to kick you out of the roleplay.
6. I will be accepting four five other characters for now (so six in total). I also hope that each one of us will double up as a villain when needed. I will play any NPC characters, such as Nurse Joy and the gym leaders (but if anyone is willing to help out that'd be great ^^).
7. To join, when posting your application I want you to tell me your favourite food.
8. Your characters will be between the ages of 14-16. They will all know each other as they are childhood friends. You will be going on this journey together.
9. I will allow sub plots, but please let me know what you are planning and with who so I can approve of it.
10. Romance...is allowed but please keep it PG and make sure it follows PH's rules.
11. Violence as in hitting and kicking each other is a no no. Battles are only done with Pokemon.
12. I kid, ignore rule seven, if you wish to join tell me your favourite animal and what country you reside in.
13. Swearing, even mild words, must conform to PH's rules. So using "*" to block out most of the word is a big fat no. You must change the word completely. Like I will most likely be using the word "fudge", but ideally I'd like to keep it to a minimum.
14. Try and keep the gender ratios as even as possible.
15. Humans only, no gijinkas.
16. Histories for your characters should be realistic. I don't want any slaves or being abandoned as a baby and left to fend for themselves.
17. You will get two chances. First one is a warning, second is probation (as in I will be watching you), and the third is being kicked out of the rp.

That's it for now, and I believe covers it all. But if something comes up I have the right to add on.

Characters and Starters

Yes you may choose any starter from any of the regions from Kanto to Kalos. So no this does not include the three new starters from Sun and Moon. As we don't know what their move set will be and don't know their evolutions they are excluded. Sorry, not sorry.

Once a starter is taken, that's it. No doubles, just like in the game. First come, first serve. So the starters are as listed:
Kanto: Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle
Johto: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile
Hoenn: Treecko, Torchic, Mudkip
Sinnoh: Turtwig, Chimchar, Piplup
Unova: Snivy, Tepig, Oshawott
Kalos: Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie

I will cross off the ones that become unavailable. This list will be handy for any new players that join if we open up for more.

Now for our human characters please use this form, try not to modify it much but if you feel like including something important put it under the "other" header. Thanks. :)

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[b]Status: [/b] Trainer, Coordinator, Breeder (pick one)
[b]Personality:[/b] Minimum 3 positive and 3 negative traits please. Paragraph or point form.
[b]Other:[/b] (Optional!)
[b]Appearance:[/b] An image here is acceptable (and encouraged) but a written up one is fine as well.

[b]Pokemon Caught[/b]
[i]Party:[/i](please put the name/sprite image of your starter here)
[i]Storage:[/i](this is where you will put all your other Pokemon as we "catch them all")

As you can see, I've included a section for all the Pokemon your character has the potential to catch. Just like in the games you can have up to 6 in your party and the rest must be in the storage. You can switch them out at any time we are at a Pokemon Centre. (Just mention it in your RP post please!)

Current Group

Nikolai - 16 - male - trainer - Charmander
Asuna - 14 - female - breeder - Froakie
Leliana - 15 - female - trainer - Snivy
Andromeda - 15 - female - trainer - Fennekin
Henry - 16 - male - trainer - Chimchar
Rayannelle - 16- female - breeder - Oshawott

Johto Region

Just for those (and me) who have forgotten the names of the towns and who the gym leaders are, I'll just post up the names.

New Bark Town: Our starting point.
Cherrygrove City: Pokemon Center
Violet City: Zephyr Badge (Falkner, Flying-type)
Azalea Town: Hive Badge (Bugsy, Bug-type)
Goldenrod City: Plain Badge (Whitney, Normal-type)
Ecruteak City: Fog Badge (Morty, Ghost-type)
Olivine City: Mineral Badge (Jasmine, Steel-type)
Cianwood City: Storm Badge (Chuck, Fighting-type)
Mahogany Town: Glacier Badge (Pryce, Ice-type)
Blackthorn City: Rising Badge (Clair, Dragon-type)

Warned & Banned

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None so far. :)

Link to Roleplay
Roleplay has started!

Name: Nikolai Williams
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Status: Trainer
Personality: Confident, Loyal when he deems you worthy, he can be very Passionate about his pokemon; Arrogant, has a bit of a Temper, Sarcastic and very Impulsive at times.
History: Nikolai spent most of his childhood in Lumiose City with his mother. Everything was fine until his mother met his now step-father and they moved from Kalos all the way to New Bark Town. He hated the move and always put up a fight leading to him being a more brash and angry teenager. Eventually his mom suggested he get a Pokemon, hoping he'd bond and would become kinder but if anything it helped him fuel his anger from the move into Pokemon battles.
Starter: Charmander

Pokemon Caught

None at the moment.
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 344
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
Name: Asuna Tsukino
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Status: Breeder
Personality: 3 positive: Friendly, Smart, and Easy-Going & 3 negative Short-Tempered, Likes to be alone at times, Very shy.
History: Her parents are breeders of Azalea Town. She had learned everything about pokemon from her parents and they let her move with her grandmother to be closer to the professor for when it was time to get her first pokemon. For her 14th birthday she got the chance to pick her first pokemon to be her friend and she picked a Female froakie.
Starter: Froakie
Other: (Optional!) She will be able to get some pokemon from her parents when other trainers do not want to keep an egg or so.(will happen while rp is going on but now now.)

Pokemon Caught
Storage:(this is where you will put all your other Pokemon as we "catch them all")
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 20:04 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Welcome to the RP.

Please just remove the extras. ;)
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,543
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 20:16 (8 Years ago)
Name: Leliana "Leli" Demione
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Status: Trainer
*At least she's helpful!
History: Leli grew up in Nuvema Town with her best friend Oliver, and her siblings, Mystique, Teddy, and Sunflare. She grew passionate about being a trainer when her sister got her starter, a male Snivy named Sly. But when she moved away to Johto (oh, and Oliver lived with them since he was an orphan!) she was sad. She hated it there, but she had one of the Snivy her sister bred. She grew older as time went on, and even came to enjoying other things too, like watching her younger and older sister compete in Pokemon Contests in Hoenn and Sinnoh.
Starter: Snivy
Other: Leli genuinely hates her sister, Mystique, but loves her older sister and brother, Sunflare and Teddren. She hates Oliver's flirts.

Pokemon Caught

(both will be caught)
(both will be caught)
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sat, 28/05/2016 20:20 (8 Years ago)
It's fine, for the Hoothoot and Weedle but for now she can't have them in their party as they are just starting with the starter. You can leave them in the storage box and just put a note about it and she can catch them at the beginning of the rp.
As for that I don't see anything else wrong. Just remove the "extras" and you are accepted. :)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 02:18 (8 Years ago)
Name: Andromeda Lancaster
Gender: Female
Age: 15
Status: Trainer
Personality: Humble | Sincere | Honest | Loyal | Temperamental | Aggressive | Reckless
History: Andromeda grew up in Lumiose City with her parents, who together owned a cafe in the city. When she was younger she easily connected with stray and pet Pokemon alike, and decided that she wanted to travel the world and become a Pokemon trainer. Her father had encouraged her to go and get her first Pokemon from Professor Sycamore to start her journey and her life as a Pokemon trainer!
Starter: Fennekin (Male - Orion)
Other: She will focus on being a Phychic/Dark/Fire type(s) trainer
Appearance: Detailed Ver. | 5'11 | 140lbs | Blonde Hair | Green Eyes | Athletic Bodytype | Often wears white off the shoulder sweater-dress and black tank top underneath with legging under that and flat shoes |

Pokemon Caught
Storage: (none yet!)

not even joking this is my first rp on here sorry if the formatting is kinda wonky

Trainerlevel: 41

Forum Posts: 22
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 02:18 (8 Years ago)
Name:Henry Storm
Age: 16
Status: Trainer

He is careless person, is really impatient, and is very guarded. (Negative)
He is an extremely loyal person, calm, and just person. (Positive)

History: He has an older brother to who he is always being compared too. He is also on his journey but all his parents do is brag about how great he is. He also has an older sister who's a really great coordinator and she's a really beautiful person. He used to work hard to please them but it was never enough for them so he decided to leave. In order to finally do something for himself.

Starter: Chimchar
Other: He has a very big sweet tooth.

Pokemon Caught:




Plan: To get trust people.
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Sun, 29/05/2016 02:28 (8 Years ago)
Thanks you two, you are both accepted. If you haven't removed the "extras" please do so. :)

[Edit] The Roleplay has started~ Link is on the first post!
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 1,368
Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 00:20 (8 Years ago)
Name: Rayannelle [Nick: Ray]
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Status: Breeder
• Bubbly
• Weird
• Funny
• Tomboyish
• Empathetic
• Obnoxious
• Often late
• Sarcastic
• Loud
Ray grew up on her parents' Miltank farm, who had friends that lived with Pokémon. One day, when her parents were out buying more feed, one of the Miltanks laid an egg. This was both fascinating and scary for her, so she grabbed the egg and ran around with it, unsure of what to do. When it hatched into a baby Miltank, she was amazed that she had just witnessed new life being made, and she decided that's what she wanted to do with her life. When her parents got home, she showed them the baby. They decided she could raise it and name it alone. Ray decided to name it Clover, and Clover still resides on her parents' farm. Leaving her while she embarked on her new journey was one of the most difficult decisions she's ever made.
Starter: Oshawott
Other: I have explicit permission from Poland to make this. Also, Canadian Turtles, if you know what I mean
Appearance: She has very short, fine blonde hair that is almost always pulled up into two small pigtails. Her clothes are always simple, solid-coloured and practical.

Pokemon Caught
Storage: None yet
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 04:43 (8 Years ago)
Looks good. :) Accepted.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 09:15 (8 Years ago)
I hope I am not too late.

Name: Ulric
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Status: Trainer
- Competitive
- Lazy
- Asocial
- Faithful
- Observant
- Relaxed
History:Urlic was first child of his parents and only child between them because they didn't really get along. His parents divorced when he was young and both of them started new life. He lived with his mother, but he still visited his father because he didn't live far away. When he was five years old, his first younger brother, Lucas, was born. Urlic didn't really like his younger sibling and he ignored Lucas most of time. He lived normal life on villige with his family and pokemons. Unlike his brother, he wasn't social and he stayed in home taking care of pokemons. He did stay in contact with his father and he got twin brothers from fathers side when he was twelve years old. He didn't care about them, he was more fascinated with pokemon. On his 15th birthday him mother decided to send him into world to catch pokemon and make friends.
Starter: Cyndaquil
Other: In Croatia grey wolves are almost extinct, but I still love them.

Pokemon Caught
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 38
Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 10:26 (8 Years ago)
Seems I'm a bit late to the party, hopefully it won't change much
Name:Sirnef "hunter" Necrodon (his close friends have also nicknamed him Fenny, it's a bit annoying for him)
Status: Trainer
Personality:he's secluded, very VERY antisocial, rebellious, intimidating, and depressed yet protective, caring(at least to his close friends), and will at least try to help as much as he can.
History:his parents always had problems with him and his brother and they decided to change that, while his brother was sent of to military training in their hopes to have him become stronger. He,on the other hand, had more "personality problems" than anything else, and sending off one of his only friends definitely did not help so they, against his own will, moved to this town hoping he would make more friends and he did…1 or 2 that is, well it's a start compared to the 1 he had at school that was not his brother. He then, against his parents will, decided to start a Pokémon adventure, eventually getting them to stop pestering him by telling them that he might socialize more he began his new adventure.
Other:here in the Phillipines where you might actually see a vampire bat in your own house
Appearance:(nobody used a description yet…time to change that)a short man wearing cargo shorts, a black t-shirt, sandals, a cap, and a pentagram worn as a necklace half worn just to distinguish him, he has dyed his hair white(trying to keep it short this time)

Pokemon Caught
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They laugh because they know you're sad
They sing because they know you're angry
They attack because they know you're scared

They picked on you ever since you were young
They laughed until sanity you had none
You had nothing while they had their fun

And yet you still call them your friends
Thats a sad life you're living
And I bet you want to escape it, badly
Trainerlevel: 61

Forum Posts: 317
Posted: Mon, 30/05/2016 14:37 (8 Years ago)
viki123 & flow_eht_sirnef

Sorry this roleplay is full up at the moment, and I'm not accepting any more.