Forum Thread
[C]Sableye Gem Contest
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [C]Sableye Gem Contest


1 Ghost Gem = 1 Tickets
10 Dark and Ghost gems = 25 Tickets.
By Sending 10 Dark and 10 Ghost gems to me all at once, you will gain an extra 5 tickets.
Giving away a lot of shinies and Megables as i go through the hunt,
star pieces, boxes and keys, pd, nuggets, 2 bottled messages, sky pillar maps/ emeralds and a resolute stone, all done at prizes will not go to the same person twice. a lot of people will get something
This is contest to see who can help me get the most gems.
Any One of these can include a Shiny/Megable

100k Pd
25 Nuggets
Map/Summoning items
A Shiny In Exchange
A Megable In Exchange
Any other Payment option that you would like Please Palpad Me
If There is a Problem with payment or you want to cancel you payment Please Palpad me
Please Wait until i start my hunt to send me Items Or Pd/Nuggets.
You Can Order both a Shiny and Megable
If there is a Problem with anything with payment or you really want one but can't afford Palpad Me We can try to work something out
There Will Be 5 Slots Each
Will add more as i go through the hunt.
Please Be Patient

Shiny Slots
1. tjsbrokentv (not paid but discussed)
Megable Slots
1. Emperor (Paid)
2.EternalMeta (Not paid)
1. tjsbrokentv (not paid but discussed)
Megable Slots
1. Emperor (Paid)
2.EternalMeta (Not paid)

EternalMeta: 50 tickets
Palkia10: 25 Tickets
Legendary_latias: 70 Tickets
Chimdeen: 75 Tickets
OfficerJenny: 90 Tickets
IRONCLAW24: 62 Tickets
Gren1: 100 Tickets
Toph_Beifong: 20 Tickets
HumanVoltz: 19 Tickets
Argentis: 1,267 Tickets
Homera: 24 Tickets
RavenBlademaster: 112 Tickets
ONIKITSUNE: 25 Tickets
Eren_Jaeger: 31 Tickets
ChristianNetor: 173 Tickets
AsherTheLuxray: 78 Tickets
Weedlespoolparty: 25 Tickets
Zera-Chan- 70 tickets
Donation Tab
[center]Additional Things:
2. The Raffle will end when I reach my goal on the gems I need for my Hunt
3. Raffle will be held through › Randomness
4. Users will Be Notified that they have won soon after The Raffle is Held
5. All PH Rules Apply
6. If you Notice an Error In the Ticket numbers Please Notify me. I'm only one person i can't get everything right.
7. I wish everyone Who participates the Best of Luck.
By [user] Exotica[/user]
[b]Shiny Mega Sableye Hunt[/b]
Help me hatch my Shiny Mega
Spread the Hashtag #ExosSableyeHunt and click [[url=]Here[/url]] For more Info
[[url=]Gift or Donate[/url]]||[[url=]More About this Raffle[/url]]
[b]Shiny Mega Sableye Hunt[/b]
Help me hatch my Shiny Mega
Spread the Hashtag #ExosSableyeHunt and click [[url=]Here[/url]] For more Info
[[url=]Gift or Donate[/url]]||[[url=]More About this Raffle[/url]]
Gems You sent: 68 Dark gems and 75 ghost gems
# of Tickets:(bonus 10 gems Dark and 10 ghost=25)*6= 30 tickets
68+75=143+30=173 (i think)
Anything Else: good luck at all
Gems sent: 4 dark gems and 4 Ghost gems
# of tickets: 8(I think)
Anything Else: Thanks for being my friend. Here's a little thanks! Good luck with your hunt!