Forum Thread
{Free} Sprite Stuff
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Spriting → {Free} Sprite StuffSo I'm too lazy to make this all fancy
For now here's the info on this forum.
(also if I mess anything up here please tell me. I have very little idea as to what I'm doing.)
Anywho, a friend of mine
Seeing as these are pretty.. don't want to say bad, but.. not so good, and the main idea of this is to improve, everything is free here! I don't expect any sort of payment unless you really want to.
got any spare Growlithe or fire gems?
Things to Note!!;
I am not skilled enough to do 3D sprites quite yet, so please don't order anything involving XY and beyond sprites.
Rushing me is also not appreciated, nor is criticism unless it's constructive.
If something here seems like Tobio has posted before, he probably has. We sometimes collaborate on sprites (finishing ones the other started.) We won't for orders here, however.
No, I don't mind you using them on or off this site as long as it's yours. Credit would be nice but I won't throw a fit if you don't give that either. :P
Probably wondering what I can do, huh? Well, not much (/cri) but here we are, as well as the forms;;
Basic Recolors;

I'd Like a Recolor!
Pallet (what colors):
Where the colors should go (if you have a preference):
Pallet Swap;

[examples TBA. basically you take two
pokemon and swap their colors.]
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Pokemon 1:
Pokemon 2:
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Pride 'Mons;

Showin' Off Some Pride!
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag):
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Evolved 'Sonas;

(original designs both here. must be a first or second stage 'mon.)
Look, I'm Evolving!
'Sona ref:
Albino 'Mons;
Bouncie Recolors;

Bounce Bounce!
Pallet (what colors):
Where the colors should go (if you've a preference):
Bounce speed (slow, medium, fast, hyper):
'Mons on a Mission;

Here He Go
Direction walking (forward, away, left, right):
Walking speed (slow, medium, fast, nyooom):
Animals into Pokemon;
Lovey Dovey 'Mons;

I Think My Pokemon are in Love!
Pokemon on left:
Pokemon on right:
Blush on left?:
Blush on right?:
Heart? (and color of if so):
OC Maker;

No example, as this is kind of a new
thing I'm doing. Kinda like adopts where I make a character for
you. You could always just say what Pokemon you want then put
random for everything else btw.
I Need a New Character!
Color Pallet:
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Any theme (a season, time of day, place, etc)?:
I Need a New Character!
Color Pallet:
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Any theme (a season, time of day, place, etc)?:
may add more as I go along but eh. this is all for now. cl:
/rolls on in here/
hey :3c
I Need a New Character!
Pokemon: Arcanine
Color Pallet: anything with white and blue or yellow please!
Where colors should go: no preference!
Any theme (a season, time of day, place, etc)?: mm.. you decide~
Other: /shrug/

Pokemon: liepard
Animal: snow leopard
I'd Like a Recolor!
Pokemon: Kangaskhan
Pallet (what colors): and for the baby
Where the colors should go (if you have a preference): everything on ref
I'd Like a Recolor!
Pokemon: Turtwig
Pallet (what colors): i've got it from akemie
Where the colors should go (if you have a preference): on ref
Other: thanks for the sprites

Pokemon: Ninetales
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag): LGBT flag
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Showin' Off Some Pride!
Pokemon: Rayquaza
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag): LGBT flag
Where colors should go (if you've a preference):
Other: If this is too hard, it's okay if you don't make it.
Pokemon: Purrloin owo
Pallet (what colors): Rainbow
Where the colors should go (if you have a preference): The rainbow be only on bthe pink 'bove the eyes, please?
Other: Thank you! <3

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33
Order Up for Tobio, ola232, and NyxyLamia!



that Kanga looks so bad i'm so sorry

i forgot to save the Ninetales, but i'll get to that!!
if you want anything changed please let me know!!
Pokemon: Zorua
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag): Gay Pride please
Where colors should go (if you've a preference): On the rail and neck fluff
Other: Mind PalPadding it to me when it's done?

[FlightRising] ☆ [Adopts] ☆ [Doodles] ☆ [Characters]
Pokemon: Aerodactyl
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag): Flag of Germany (if that's possible?)
Where colors should go (if you've a preference): I guess the wings would be the best place, but if you can come up with something else, feel free to do so (:
Other: Thanks~ cx
Pokemon: turtwig
Pallet (what colors):
Where the colors should go (if you've a preference): on ref
Bounce speed (slow, medium, fast, hyper): medium
Other: thanks for the sprites

Order Up for NyxynLamia, Sazuka, EspeonLover, and Ms_Marionette!!




^is that how you meant? ;w;

love the Osomatsu avatar by the way :3c
please tell me if you want anything changed!!
Pokemon: Milotic
Color Pallete: [x]
Where colors should go: Surprise me!
Any theme: --
Other: //tips 10k PD
Order up for Pancake, Zelos, acorn2448, and ola232!




Note: normal bouncy 'mons are on the site I linked on the main post. That's why only recolors of them are offered. :P

Please do tell me if you want anything changed!
Pokemon: Shiny Reshiram
Color Pallet: You decide~
Where colors should go (if you've a preference): Maybe on the wings and the head fluff things?
Any theme (a season, time of day, place, etc)?: Autumn
Other: Thank you! I'll tip 15k for this and the other sprite I'm ordering!
Showin' Off Some Pride!
Pokemon: Mega Pidgeot
Pride Colors (ex. gay pride flag): Transgender Pride Flag
Where colors should go (if you've a preference): Wherever you think they look best!
Other: Should I tip now or after you've finished them?

don't mind when you tip, i'll appreciate it just as much. <3
after would probably be better though, so you can decide whether or not you like the sprites before paying for them~
This Pokemon Seems Different..
Pokemon: Purrloin
Animal: Siamese or Birman Cat
Other: Your sprite recolors and all that are really good <3

by Hunnie <3
art by me and pixel art by Nymph

by kaitotemari <33
just wanted to say that I am indeed working on it. as of right now I have 1 unfinished design and plan on making more, unless the color placement here;

is a-okay so far (still gonna add some markings with the yellow)