Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → miningWhy don't we have a region called [color="Green"]"Emera Mine"[/color]!
It would be on Route 53. We just have to send a Pokémon there with a pickaxe.
Pickaxe can be bought from 'Miscellaneous' tab of the item shop and can be upgraded from Copper to Silver, Silver to Gold, and Gold to Crystal.
A pokémon is more likely to find a gem rock that matches it's type.
When a pokémon finds a gem rock, it will encounter a horde of zubats, an Aron, or 2-3 Ghastly's. If you win, you get the gem rock and have to place it in the Cauldron for an hour.
A small rock will have 5 gems of a type.
A medium rock will have 10 gems.
A big rock will have 25 gems.
A rainbow rock will have 1 gem of each type.

"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)
The Pickax is like the explorer bags, you have to have one in order to gain access to the Emera Mines.
The battles would be like the legendary battles. No user input, just the pokemon and the opponent.
And I think the gemstones should be based on generic indicators. So if you get a stone, it can have one type of gem it it or three different gems in it. That way it's still randomized to a degree.
And Dragon/Fairy gems wouldn't be obtainable in this manner.
When the gemstone is brought back, it goes into the item bag, that way if the cauldron is in use it doesn't break that. But to get the gems out of it, you have to throw it into the cauldron to melt down the stone and free the gems.
As for the stones, I think the rainbow stone would be a bit too much, so it should not be included. But the other three seems pretty fair.
For upgrading the pickax, it could be like the explorer areas or the wide lens. (Either the more you use it, the more experience you earn, and after a certain amount of experience, you upgrade the ax. Or you buy them with increasing price each time.)
Please interact with these pokemon
I have to give props to this guy Trainer level 41 in 3 days that's almost unbelievable.