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Forum Thread

IceClan and FireClan

Forum-Index Roleplay IceClan and FireClan
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 00:26 (8 Years ago)
Welcome to IceClan and FireClan, a Warrior Cats RP! Below you'll find some information that was not covered in the Sign-Up thread. This information pertains mostly to the culture of the clans.

Each clan has found its own den, perfectly suited to fit that clan. Each camp has the same features. A high place where announcements can be made, a food pile where cats can deposit or take prey, dens for the leader, deputy, warriors, apprentices, queens and kits, elders, and medicine cats.

The IceClan camp is located in the deciduous tree forest with a stream quite closeby. The stream leads down to the lake, which is neutral territory where cats can come and go as they please. Most guests wait there for a passing patrol to invite them across the border. IceClan claims that entire section of forest with those trees, as well as the stream.

The FireClan camp is in a patch of densely-packed pine trees, which block out most light. The territory also claims the meadow so their fast-running cats can let loose.

Now, for the rules of the clan:
1.) Originally, medicine cats were not allowed to take mates. However, I am changing this rule for this RP. Mates are allowed, but only 1 litter per year so that the medicine cat can focus on his/her duties.
2.) Each cat can take only 1 living mate. Should one of them die, the other is free to take another mate if they so choose.
3.) Originally, interclan-breeding was taboo because the cat's loyalty would be split between their home clan and their mate's clan, which is heavily discouraged because the cat would have to choose which side to fight on, which side to hunt for, during times of trouble. However, biologically, it is an advantage for clans to breed with each other so the taboo is no more. However, caution is still advised. If loyalty becomes a problem, the cat can be cast out of his/her native clan, and then they can be accepted into their mate's clan if the leader so chooses. However, this is a RECENT development, only put into place a month or two before the RP begins, so there are likely cats who do not support this change.
4.) Apprentices can be no younger than six months old or they run the risk of being killed during training. They train to become strong fighters, proficient hunters, and to learn and uphold the Warrior Code, a set of laws.
5.) No hunting on another clan's turf, even if the prey started out on your side and traveled across the border. Skirmishes are common if two patrols happen to meet, but fights are to be avoided if possible.
6.) Kits are not to leave the camp, and are not to be harmed. If a kit gets lost, return it to its clan. Likewise, Queens are not to return to warrior duties until the kits are apprentices.
7.) All clans gather once a month by the lake to mingle and share news. During this one night, there is to be no fighting. Medicine cats gather once a week at a sacred pool higher up the mountain for the same purpose and to speak with their ancestors.

RP Rules:
1.) No God modding. This means to take action with another person's character. EX: Bluesky is the RPer's registered cat, and Yellowbranch is another person's cat.
Bluesky left the camp to go hunting and came across Yellowbranch. the two talked and decided to hunt mice together. THIS IS GOD-MODDING! DON'T DO IT!
2.) Please post (or, repost for already-posted cats) cats in the Sign Up thread, where you cat application is reviewed before judgment is passed. hopefully this will help keep this thread clean.
3.) A moderator does NOT have to be online for the thread to be open, so I'm trusting you to be adults and not cause petty drama. If there is an argument, either take it to the PMs or stop arguing and message a moderator. This thread is for fun, not drama.
4.) All pending-application cats MUST be accepted before you can RP them. To check, either ask a moderator or check the sign-up thread. Look for your cat's name in the topic section for easy scanning. (Moderators, please follow my example for consistency's sake. Thanks!)
5.) All responses must hold every cat you have applied for that was accepted. So, say you have 3 cats. You would post all three responses in one reply.
7.) DO NOT say 'she went here' as response one, then 'he went over there' as your second cat. NO! Use names, be descriptive. (For this, All named cats were applied for by me and accepted so there is no God Modding here.) 'Leafblade and her apprentice TawnyPaw of IceClan were in the forest, running hunting drills. LeafBlade sat in one spot where a mouse might be, and TawnyPaw's duty was to stalk his mentor without being seen or heard.' Meanwhile, in FireClan 'DarkStar prowled through the pine trees. Beside him, his previous apprentice BlackEye kept pace. They double checked the scent-borders, reinforcing them periodically, while they checked for danger.'

Be sure to separate the clans with a long horizontal line.

Moderators are in charge of reviewing applications and making sure the rules are followed. Also, if an argument does break out, they're in charge of settling it. Reporting to me after wards would be wonderful.

If you wish to be a moderator, please message me. I'm looking for experienced RPers who are available for several hours a day, who are fluent in the English language AND CAN WRITE LIKE IT. (seriously, you have no idea how many people say they've been RPing for 5 years, done hundreds of RPs, and they RP in text speak or one-liners. -.- This bugs me!)

Moderators (Tentative, Subject to Change):

Here is the rundown of already-accepted cats in each clan, and in the ranks. Cats in parantheses are apprentices. The Cats in Waiting rank is for those cats who have been applied for but something is wrong with the chara apps. Be sure to check this rank, too, if your checking if your cat has been accepted.


Leader: SnowStar
Deputy: BrokenSky
Medicine Cat: DewDrop
Warriors: NettleHeart (MinnowPaw) , FrozenDusk, MoonClaw
Cats in Waiting: GingerSplash, FrostPaw,


Leader: BumbleStar (SandPaw)
Deputy: WaterHeart
Medicine Cat: GravelFur (SoftPaw)
Warriors: PigeonFeather (BrookPaw), BurningSoul
Queens: SkunkFur
Cats in Waiting: RowanFlame

Below is the rundown of Users and their cats. You can use this to find your cat’s apprentice/mentor. I made the usernames hyperlinks to make things easier.

LucarioKnight: BrookPaw (FireClan), DewDrop (IceClan)
Aristocraftt: PigeonFeather (FireClan), NettleHeart (IceClan), BumbleHeart (FireClan), SkunkFur (FireClan)
ShinyTyplosion: BurningSoul (FireClan), FrozenDusk (IceClan)
Scotland: BrokenSky (IceClan), SandPaw (FireClan)
Murasaki : RowanFlame (FireClan), GingerSplash (IceClan)
Stuckyonacupcake: MoonClaw (IceClan), GravelPaw (FireClan)
Melia SnowStar (IceClan), WaterHeart (FireClan)
Xspurr SoftPaw (FireClan), MinnowPaw (IceClan)
Salamence Girl FrostPaw (IceClan)
Trainerlevel: 38

Forum Posts: 239
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 00:47 (8 Years ago)
Clan: FireClan
Current Name: BrookPaw
Warrior/Med Cat Name: BrookCloud
Age: 6 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice (Warrior later)
Fur Color: Blue fur, with white paws, and tail tip.
Eye Color: Green
Abnormalities: One green eye, one blue eye
Personality: Bright, Gentle, Brave
Background Info: BrookPaw/Cloud originally was born from an cat, or child or what not, of the original clans.
Additional Info: BrookPaw/Cloud is uncertain about her future, as she keeps having dreams about her death. She wants to make the most of it anyways.

Clan: IceClan
Current Name: DewPaw
Warrior/Med Cat Name: DewDrop
Age: 7 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Apprentice Medicine Cat
Fur Color: White, with black spots on her thigh, and a black tipped tail.
Eye Color: Blue
Abnormalities: Nothing
Personality: Shy, uncertain about her abilities
Background Info: She was nearly killed by a fox, before joining the clans.
Additional Info: DewPaw/Drop is nervous around strangers, and doesn't know if she wants a mate or not.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 01:17 (8 Years ago)

Title: DewPaw and BrookPaw

looks good! thanks so much! We'll wait a bit for more members to join until I assign mentors and apprentices, ok? after that, we can get to RPing.
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 58

Forum Posts: 877
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 01:36 (8 Years ago)
Current Name:Pigeonfeather
Warrior/Med Cat Name:Pigeonfeeather
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Warrior
Fur Color: Gray fur with lighter fur near his stomach
Eye Color: Blue
Abnormalities: Nin
Personality:He is calm and loves to be nice to everybody
Background Info: He used to be a kittypet before joining the clan
Additional Info:

Current Name:Nettleheart
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Nettleheart
Age: 28 moons
Gender: Female
Fur Color:Brown fur with black stripes
Eye Color: Green
Personality:She is loyal to her clan and would do anything to help it
Background Info: When she was born, her old clan abandoned her, so she was taken in.
Additional Info: Can cats from one clan like cats from another? Also, anyone can take her as their daughter.

Current Name: Bumbleheart
Warrior/Med Cat Name:Bumbleheart
Age: 36 Moons
Rank: Leader?
Fur Color:Yellow with gray stripes
Eye Color: Brown
Personality: He is nice and kind of shy.
Background Info: He was originally going to be named Tigerkit
Additional Info:He was captured by IceClan and tortured, so he hates IceClan

Current Name: Skunkfur
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Skunkfur
Age: 35 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Queen
Fur Color: Black with white patches
Eye Color: Black
Personality: She cares about those she loves
Background Info: She met Bumbleheart when she was a kittypet. She then joined him.
Additional Info:
Trainerlevel: 10

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 01:46 (8 Years ago)
Clan: Fireclan
Current Name: Burningsoul
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Burningsoul
Age: 20 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Fur Color: Dark brown tinged with ginger tips
Eye Color: Amber
Abnormalities: N/A
Personality: Has a fiery temper and gets angry a lot. Very stubborn but does care for her clan and will protect them until the end.
Background Info: She was abandoned as a kit on the border of Fireclan territory
Additional Info: N/A

Clan: Iceclan
Current Name: Frozendusk
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Frozendusk
Age: 20 Moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Warrior
Fur Color: Dark brown that gets paler around his face and especially around his eyes
Eye Color: Icy blue
Abnormalities: N/A
Personality: He'd a very calm and knowledgeable cat, but he tends to be shy and very soft spoken. Thus being that cats barely notice him and nobody knows all that much about him.
Background Info: Nobody knows all that much about him.
Additional Info: N/A
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 02:01 (8 Years ago)

Title: PigeonFeather, NettleHeart, SkunkFur

Ok. these cats look good. Wish there would be more info, but there's enough to fill the categories.

Ok, these cats are accepted. Again, wish there would be more info, but there's enough to pass.

If you are allowed to be Leader, then you are more than welcome to RP this cat. However, if your not chosen to be Leader, then you'll need to change his rank. otherwise, he's accepted as a Warrior for the time being.
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 18:55 (8 Years ago)
(Mind if I join? c: )
Clan: IceClan
Current Name: Brokensky
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Brokensky
Age: 38 Moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior
Fur Color: Dark mottled brown, with slight 'tinges' of lighter brown across her pelt. She has short fur, but tufted ears and a pluming tail. She also has a 'lighter' shade of brown almost as a mask across her face.
Eye Color: Amber
Abnormalities: Many scars and wounds left bitten and unhealed lace across her pelt, most noteably a large deep scar that reaches from her shoulders round the left side of her body around to her stomach. Her ears are in a bad condition with scars and somesort of infection. Generally has a mangled appearance.
Personality: Ambitious and determined, Brokensky longs to become leader of IceClan. She can appear kind and warm towards her own clanmates, yet, sometimes to those she deems 'unworthy' or 'unimportant', she can be cruel and malicious. She has a deep dislikening of rogues or cats outside of the clans and has a distrustful relationship with FireClan. She's violent and aggressive but also holds a strong level of intelligence and is incredibly cunning and would fight anything to the death for the clan or her own goals.
Background Info: From a young age, she showed displeasure at the idea of cats joining the clans, since these new cats seemed to get more attention than the others and she found this to be unjustified and unfair. Having a mentor that seemed more interested helping other cats get to grips with things didn't help and neither did her father taking on a new 'former kittypet' mate, in Brokensky's eyes, as 'abandoning' her and her recently deceased mother. More might come out in rp.
Additional Info: Has no interest in having a mate and sees it more as a distraction. She accepts other cats having mates and kits, but fears that a mate would get in the way of her ambitions.

Clan: FireClan
Current Name: Sandpaw
Warrior/Med Cat Name: Sandstreak
Age: 11 Moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice
Fur Color: A light ginger pelt that looks quite 'dusty' in appearance, his fur is short in length and has slightly darker areas of fur around his paws and belly.
Eye Color: Ginger
Abnormalities: Not much, although he has quite large ears, giving him more of a 'distinct' appearance.
Personality: Sandpaw can be loud-mouthed and over confident in his abilities giving him a vain and self-obsessed personality, although, this is mainly for show and he keeps somewhat of a down to earth and caring personality about him. A skilled hunter, he makes sure to show off his skills when he can, but has a non violent outlook on life and despises fighting and if any 'drama' were to come his way, he's most likely back out of it.
Background Info: Born into the clan, Sandpaw has enjoyed safety within the clan all of his life, although doesn't have much faith in their rival, IceClan, after his father was killed in combat over a border skirmish before he was born.
Additional Info: Nope! ^^'
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 13/05/2016 22:46 (8 Years ago)

Title: Sandpaw and BrokenSky

Sandpaw is accepted! nice!

as to BrokenSky, her character looks fine except for the rank. as you know, i won't accept anyone into a leadership role until i deem that person capable of responsibly leading their clan. so, for now, let's assume that she is a Warrior, ok?
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 12:02 (8 Years ago)
Clan: Fireclan
Current Name: Rowanflame/Rowanstar(?)
Warrior/Med Cat Name: -
Age: 36 moons
Gender: Male
Rank: Preferably leader, if not then warrior
Fur Color: x
His fur is difficult to explain, it has several different layers of brown. Under the markings, his fur is a light brown. His back is a darker shade than the base, but the neck markings are lighter than both and creates a new shade when the neck+back markings meet (the neck marking goes around his neck, but the back markings meet on the backside of his neck). His socks (paws+ankles), ears, tail, and face have much darker markings than the first three, fading in towards the center.
Eye Color: His eyes are a calm light green with black pupils.
Abnormalities: -
Personality: He rarely speaks more than a couple of sentences around other cats due to his hidden shyness. Rowanflame is protective of Fireclan-said clan has known to be loyal at heart. He has a short temper and if someone messes withe one of his kind, he will become a ruthless killer while hunting for them. He's been considered admirable yet a fool for so.
Background Info:
Additional Info:

Clan: Iceclan
Current Name: Gingersplash
Warrior/Med Cat Name: -
Age: 27 moons
Gender: Female
Rank: Warrior, possible queen
Fur Color: x
As her name implies, Gingersplash is a white she-cat with ginger splotches on the uppermost part of her body. To be more specific, she has a ginger patch on her ears+face (discluding her lower jaw entirely), a giant splotch on her back with small white spots on it, and a full ginger tail. Her tail seems to have lighter faint stripes, but only appears if you look close enough. Her fur is thick and her nose is a light pink.
Eye Color: Her eyes are an energetic yellow with brown pupils.
Abnormalities: -
Personality: She's constantly hyper and obnoxiously loud to the point where newcomers can't stand her. She actually tries to help others if possible despite her childish nature. To contrast. Gingersplash also loves to purposefully annoy Fireclan warriors my messing around on their borders, nothing harmful though. She's quite gullible and will fall for any sob story.
Background Info:
Additional Info:

Hello melmmhs94, i've taken an interest in this rolepay and i'd like to attempt at getting a leader/deputy slot. I've been roleplaying for almost a year now and I think i'd meet your expectations.
Sample post:
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"All warriors on duty! Eclipseclan was spotted in large numbers on our territory!" Yellowstar's yowls rang across the clearing. "Yellowstar! We need to get the queens, kits, and elders away. Lightsky won't be enough for the injuries we'll face, so it's best if we have Wishsong with us despite quitting before Icepool's death." His dutiful deputy, Skyfall, reported with quite good points. "Fine then. Gather a small patrol to clear the camp and lead those who can't fight away. We'll need all the warriors we can get." He hurriedly stated, frantically pacing. "What are you two mewling about? Yellowsting would've teased me upon hearing my name, yet here ya are panicking over nothing, we'll gotta give em' a good beat-down to show who's boss!" Wishsong scoffed, smirking. "I have every right to be worried, not only my former medicine cat and a loyal warrior betrayed me, I..." Yellowstar's remark faded, the three felt a pang of sadness knowing what he was about to say. 'I lost a son to them.'
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Sat, 14/05/2016 17:40 (8 Years ago)
thank you for the submission, and im glad your interested, but i need more information about your cats before i can consider you. so please fix that. thanks! as to the post, that's great! really bulky, just like i want. can you post like that every single time?
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 05:26 (8 Years ago)

Title: PLEASE...

1.) Read the initial message of this thread
2.) Go to and read the Sign-Up thread
3.) If a cat that you are applying for was not initially accepted, please correct it and submit it in the Sign-Up thread.

Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Tue, 17/05/2016 22:56 (8 Years ago)
I put my cat in the sign up one, oops! Will you check mine?
"Hey, assbutt!" ~Castiel (to Michael, before throwing a holy hand grenade; to Lucifer, before attempting to stab him)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Wed, 18/05/2016 01:02 (8 Years ago)
oops?! that was perfect! I WANT the applications to go there! thanks! and i'll check that out in a bit.
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 20/05/2016 16:04 (8 Years ago)

Title: Bump

Bumpity bumpity bump bump
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 26

Forum Posts: 13
Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 16:28 (8 Years ago)
Can we start yet?
"Hey, assbutt!" ~Castiel (to Michael, before throwing a holy hand grenade; to Lucifer, before attempting to stab him)
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 17:37 (8 Years ago)
I'm sorry, not yet. But we're getting closer. as soon as the two power-position applicants figure out which characters they want and put in their cats, then we can get started. Im really sorry about the delay! Some positions just have to be filled before the RP can start!
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 306
Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 17:38 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for the wait! I was busy earlier and didn't have time until now, I finished my forms.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Sun, 22/05/2016 17:40 (8 Years ago)
thats ok. I understand. Cat forms have been moved to the sign up thread. you can find the link to it in the RP thread's starting page.
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Wed, 25/05/2016 19:00 (8 Years ago)
Good news, everyone!! I decided to split the last role from being both FireClan leader AND IceClan Deputy, to just either FC Leader OR IC Deputy. Both roles are filled, and the IC Deputy slot has been filled. All we are waiting on now is the FC Leader to decide which cat they want as Leader. Once that happens, the RP will be open at last!!
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.
Trainerlevel: 30

Forum Posts: 63
Posted: Fri, 27/05/2016 23:02 (8 Years ago)
Hey, guys, sorry things are taking longer than I had thought. I already contacted the person who is playing the FC leader, so now we're just waiting on that person to reapply his FireClan cat to be the Leader. Hopefully that should happen within 24 hours but you never know. Anyway, once his cat is accepted then the thread will be open to all for RPing.
Looking for an Eeveelution, but don't have the money or resources to evolve it yourself? Want to buy an Eevee, but don't have the money? I'm selling Eevees and Eeveelutions for whatever you can afford. Only have the stone-evolving ones right now, but am Rumbling hard to unlock the Rumble Areas for the others. I'm buying Fire, Water, Thunder, Moon and Sun stones and Soothe Bells. I'm willing to take in your Eevee, evolve it for you and then send it back for a small fee.