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Oh, Another PMD RP, Yay.

Forum-Index Roleplay Pokémon RP Oh, Another PMD RP, Yay.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 01:24 (8 Years ago)
i'm not sorry
In a world fully inhabited by Pokémon, new Pokémon have been appearing out of nowhere and claiming that they are humans from the human realm. Some believe them, others don't, and some are just plain puzzled. Bright lights in the sky are also commonly seen, and it is predicted that every time a light is seen there is a human being transformed into a Pokémon. However, something has proved that this "human-to-Pokémon" phenomenon is true... a souvenir from the human world.
"This is me, and this is my family, and my pet cat, and my plush Espurr.", the shiny Minccino says while pointing at a cheerful family photo with four humans, one animal, and a stuffed Pokémon plush.

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1- All PH rules.
2- No mary-sues/gary-stus.
3- Only ONE of each legendary (excluding Shaymin because it is proven that there are multiple of them by Pokémon Movie 11) and you must ask permission for a legendary character.
4- You must have at least one character that used to be human.
5- Shiny female Eeveelutions are... //gasp// allowed? Wow! It's your character, you can do what you want with it. What your character is (except if its a hybrid of like 99999 things) does NOT determine if it's OP or not.
6- You gain levels by entering dungeons. You may start with any level under 35, except if you are a legendary.
7- Use natures and characteristics from the Pokémon games. Example: Modest nature, Mischievous characteristic.

Form to join:
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This is so cliché but I don't even care.

My characters:
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This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: pastelpookivil
Name: Amour
Species: Minccino
Shiny?: Yes
Gender: Female
Level: 23
Team: Team Miel
Nature: Naïve
Characteristic: Highly persistant
Ability: Skill Link
Appearance: A shiny Minccino with a green bow around her right ear.
1- Tickle
2- Sing
3- Tail Slap
4- Attract

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This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: pastelpookivil
Name: Amie
Species: Eevee
Shiny?: No
Gender: Female
Level: 29
Team: Team Miel
Nature: Hasty
Characteristic: Thoroughly cunning
Ability: Anticipation
Appearance: An Eevee with a white and pink bow similar to a Sylveon's around her tail.
1- Swift
2- Charm
3- Echoed Voice
4- Heal Bell

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This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: pastelpookivil
Name: Namid
Species: Meloetta
Shiny?: yusss
Gender: Genderless, female pronouns
Level: 50
Team: None, helps various teams often
Nature: Naïve
Characteristic: Strong willed
Ability: Serene Grace
Appearance: A shiny Meloetta with a bow around her waist that changes color when she changes form. Usually found in Pirouette Form.
1- Relic Song
2- Hyper Voice
3- Drain Punch
4- Stone Edge

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Team Miel, Amour and Amie, Accepting new members
Team Double Hero, Ditt and Keld, Not accepting new members
Team Solstice, Nora, Mags, Solstice, and Clover, Accepting only one new member
Team Powers, Stellar and Azure

Accepted characters
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Amour, F, Minccino, Shiny, pastelpookivil
Amie, F, Eevee, pastelpookivil
Ditt, Genderless (male pronouns), Ditto, teius
Keld, Genderless (male pronouns), Keldeo, teius
Nora, F, Scizor, FolleyBlitz
Mags, F, Misdreavus, FolleyBlitz
Solstice, F, Deino, FolleyBlitz
Clover, F, Zorua, Shiny, emelicious
Stellar (prefers the name Selena), F, Eevee, Shiny, GoatChild
Azure, M, Eevee, Shiny, GoatChild

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Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 19:04 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Fri, 06/05/2016 21:45 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 00:57 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:05 (8 Years ago)
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This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: teius
Name: Ditt
Species: Ditto
Shiny?: nah
Gender: Genderless (male pronuns)
Level: 20
Team: Team Double Hero
Nature: Jolly
Characteristic: ???
Ability: Limber, Imposter (hidden)
1- Transform
2- Transform
3- Transform
4- Transform

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This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: teius
Name: Keld
Species: Keldeo
Shiny?: Nope
Gender: Genderless (male pronuns)
Level: 25
Team: Team Double Hero
Nature: Brave
Characteristic: ???
Ability: Justified
1- Secret Sword
2- Helping Hand
3- Bubble Beam
4- Double Kick
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:07 (8 Years ago)
Accepted! Is Team Double Hero accepting new members at the moment? I need to know so I can put it on the teams list.
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:09 (8 Years ago)
((not accepting rn))
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:37 (8 Years ago)
random stranger dropping in
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Username: FolleyBlitz
Name: Nora
Species: Scizor
Shiny?: nope !
Gender: female
Level: 32
Team: Solstice
Nature: Technician
Characteristic : Bold
Ability: Swarm
Appearance: A scizor wearing a choker with a red megastone instead of the blue jewel
1- Furry Cutter
2- Arial Ace
3- Pursuit
4- Sword Dance

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Username: FolleyBlitz
Name: Mags
Species: Misdreavus
Shiny?: nope!
Gender: female
Level: 33
Team: Solstice
Nature: Timid
Characteristic : one sec
Ability: Levitate
Appearance: just a regular misdreavus, but one eye is purple instead of pink
1- Calm Mind
2- Shadow Ball
3- Thunderbolt
4- Hidden Power [Fighting]

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Username: FolleyBlitz
Name: Solstice (sol)
Species: Deino
Shiny?: no
Gender: female
Level: 29
Team: Solstice
Nature: Modest
Characteristic : one sec
Ability: Levitate ((just going with a moveset list and apparently this is a good trait for them???))
Appearance: reg. deino with a blue scarf around its neck
1- Draco Meter
2- Dark Pulse
3- Surf
4- Flamethrower
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:39 (8 Years ago)
accepted! but who's the other Pokémon in team Equinox?
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:40 (8 Years ago)
((oh woops i meant to put them all on Solstice, sorry!!))
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:40 (8 Years ago)
It's ok, is team Solstice accepting new members at the moment?
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:41 (8 Years ago)
((uh,, sure! sorry for posting so much))
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 02:45 (8 Years ago)
(Alright, I think we can start now. Everyone starts in the same area.)
An Eevee was resting in the warm sunlight, when a shriek was heard from above. "Wah!", the Eevee jumped back as a shiny Minccino landed right in front of it. "Nngh... Wha-where am I...", the newcomer groaned.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 03:39 (8 Years ago)
Nora groaned, and tried to rub her face with her hand to clear the headache, but instead of hands she got claws. "Wait, what? Oh..seriously..?" Nora said to herself, before stretching and checking out which pokemon she had just so happened to become. "Huh, scizor.. not that bad I guess..."

Mags drifted around, wanting to see if anyone new had appeared. Maybe they could join Solstice..she started to space out, before noticing the Scizor starting to stand up and floated towards her, then instantly reconsidering after meeting her intense gaze. ((well that sounds dramatic))

Sol 'watched' from the center of a field, soaking in the sunlight. She wanted to 'see' how Mags might handle this.
Trainerlevel: 63

Forum Posts: 579
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 05:14 (8 Years ago)
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This is so cliché but I don't even care. (Omg I know)
Username: Emelicious
Name: Clover
Species: Zorua
Shiny?: Yup (Do not worry, shes not op or a Mary sue
Gender: Female
Level: 25
Team: Solstice
Nature: Impish
Characteristic : eh?
Ability: Illusion
Appearance: A shiny zorua with a team aqua bandana around her neck (Not that hard ey?)
1- Fake tears
2- Pursuit
3- Scary face
4- Faint attack
Trainerlevel: 3

Forum Posts: 0
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 11:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: halp meh im confsed

This is so cliché but I don't even care.
Username: Peteeeeeeee
Name: im confused
Shiny?: ye
Gender: female
Team: dallon weekes
Nature: earth
Characteristic: dorky, funny, amazing,
Ability: being awesome, making puns
Appearance: brownish blond hair, shortish,
2-dancing even more
3-talking too much

HI im confused!!!!! someone help me
you know it dude
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 1,953
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 13:53 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 17:15 (8 Years ago)
ok accepted
I'll tell you what you should do on Monday at school XD)
The Eevee was in shock. "Wh-What- Ok... Um, Hi, I'm Amie. Who are you?", it asked, trying to stay cool. "Oh, I'm Amour.", the Minccino answered. "Nice to meet you!", Amour added. "So... Are you another one of those human-turned-Pokémon things?", Amie questioned. Amour glanced at her new paws and exclaimed, "My goodness! Looks like I am a Pokémon!" Amour turned her head to her side and picked up a framed photo. "I can't believe our family photo went with me...", it murmured. The two then noticed Sol, Mags, and Nora not too far away from them. "Hey, you guys! There's another one!", Amie tried to get their attention.
(Team Solstice and Amie know each other maybe?)
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 393
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 17:50 (8 Years ago)
((sure ovo

oh and solstice is only accepting one more member after clover))

Sol turned her head in confusion, then jumped up and clumsily ran towards Amie to see what was going on. Skidding to a stop, she asked, "Hey, what's up?"

Nora stared back at mags, not really sure what to do, before stepping forwards and offering a claw to the misdreavus. "Wait- ack,, sorry" she said awkwardly, realizing that mags didn't have hands. arms. whatever. ((worst post ever sorry))
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 673
Posted: Sat, 07/05/2016 17:54 (8 Years ago)
(haha its ok, and Amie was born an Eevee, not transformed)
Amie's eyes shifted over to Amour. "There's the new one. Her name's Amour.", Amie introduced her new friend. Amour looked up at Sol and greeted, "Oh, hello there." The family photo was in the shiny Minccino's paws.