(Kk.) The Npc walks over. "Welcome to Emerald village!" Lea tilted
her head. "Are there others here? Can they show me around?" The npc
silent her. "Come, I will give you the tour."
!! i use she/ne !!
mmm.. amongus macaroni... hey guys? what's that? uh. guys? guys?
you're gonna wanna see this....... [i proceed to get blown up]
Noticing that its still nighttime for some reason, Ren
decided to sleep. However, while he was dreaming, it
was...different. Ren was trapped on a bedrock room with a lot of
bookshelves and some weird music was playing
"...Nope!" Ren said as he hit his head against the bookshelf,
making him wake up.
Leli and Oliver were aware it was dark and there were a lot of
monsters. "Ohhhh crap," Oliver commented, seeing a skeleton with a
bow and arrow pointing at them. "Run you idiot!" Leli snapped,
already moving across the tops of trees. Oliver slid down and
punched the skeleton a few times, getting hit in the leg by an
arrow a few times in the process. "Dang Oliver. You might be better
than me at combat. Actually nah."
man i need to restructure this thing. come back later when it's all
dolled up
"Well, I'm going to sleep. It might be a little uncomfortable,
since we don't have beds. Well. Good night. And don't let the
Sliverfish bite!" She joked, leaning herself against a wall and
falling asleep.
The npc notices some monsters. "But first, lets find shelter." Lea
nods and follows the npc to a empty house. "You can stay here until
we find you a permanent home in the village." Lea continues to
One bed sits in the corner and Lea lays down in it. The npc rushes
back to his house.
!! i use she/ne !!
mmm.. amongus macaroni... hey guys? what's that? uh. guys? guys?
you're gonna wanna see this....... [i proceed to get blown up]
"Silverfish?!" Locke squeaked, looking out the empty window. They
held their sword as they steadily nodded off, curled up in the
(Pause? what are all of these new fangled RP things.)
(i paused it because some people were off and I didn't want to miss
anything while I was asleep.
(skipping to morning everyone)
Tales woke up, realizing that Locke was holding tightly into their
sword as they slept. "Hopefully I didn't scare them with the
Silverfish saying..." She said as she looked out the window. It was
morning. "I should go out and get some food." She said as she
walked over to the ladder.
When the night was around, Jake had happened to find a place to
stay. Once the sun was up, he had gone back to his exploring. More
like searching. He needed to get some materials. Some wood. So he
was off to go get that.
Tales sighed, taking out her bow and a few arrows. She stayed close
to the tree house. Then, She found a herd of cows, shooting them
one by one, having enough arrows. She collected five peices of
lether and the ten beef. She looked around some more.
Kate was up all night, killing monsters if she had to. She got some
food and basic resources to survive so she was pretty much always
exploring. She did wonder if she was alone or not
Tales sighed as she headed back to the tree. Locke was still
sleeping. She took out her map, and used a stuck to write a message
saying that She was going on a quick mineing trip nearby and to
just call her name if you wake up.
She went to a nearby hill and started digging it out with her
pickaxe, getting a stack of cobblestone and crafting a few stone
picks, along with a furnace.
Jake was getting some wood from some trees. It was for the sake of
survival. Yes... That was it. When he made himself a crafting table
and some tools, he set out for other areas. Maybe there were some
others nearby. Who knows?
After mineing a little more, going deeper in the hill, Tales
collected ten prices of coal and ten iron. She ran back home, Locke
was still asleep. She put down the furnace. Popping in the need and
the coal. After that, She put in the iron.