Forum Thread
A Place for Lost Eeveelutions
Forum-Index → Roleplay → A Place for Lost EeveelutionsName: Infini
Gender: Female
Level: 14
Eevee or Eeveelution: Eevee
Scarred Heart or Healing Heart: Scarred Heart
Job: - Would not be opposed to joining as a bandit/caller once healed and/or evolved. -
Injury or Health Issue: Hypothermia, frostbite and slightly diminished lung capacity from a bad bout with pneumonia.
Backstory: Infini and her trainer were incredibly close, as she was his starter pokémon. Once they heard about the potential for her to evolve into a Glaceon, the two set out to find an Icy Rock. Unfortunately, they were woefully under leveled for the area and inadequately supplied. In short order, Infini was injured terribly and her trainer, suffering from the beginnings of hypothermia, hurried to get her to a pokémon center. In his haste, he tripped, breaking his ankle. From there, Infini is not sure what happened to him. She likes to believe that he managed to make it back to a nearby city, but the truth is that he did not.
Appearance: Most of Infini's tail is simply destroyed, leaving a stump, and what little remains is nerveless and immobile. Her fur, once lustrous and well-groomed, now is often matted and dull. Frostbite scars mar her right side where a particularly nasty ice beam caught her. Otherwise, she is still a fine looking Eevee, holding herself with feminine grace and with warm, gentle eyes.
Name: Blitzkrieg
Gender: Male
Level: 39
Eevee or Eeveelution: Jolteon
Scarred Heart or Healing Heart: Healing Heart
Job: Fighter
Injury or Health Issue: (I know you said this was not necessary for healing hearts, but Blitzkrieg does have a limp.)
Backstory: Blitzkrieg's trainer was an incredibly competitive one and, like many others, an aspirant elite four member. This drove her to train her pokémon far beyond their limits. If ever the Nurse Joys thought it strange how frequently she brought in her pokémon, exhausted and thoroughly injured, they never mentioned it. For years, Blitzkrieg labored under her training, before he was finally freed: after a bad landing from a seismic toss that shattered his right hind leg, his trainer deemed him no longer suitable for her party and released him.
Appearance: This Jolteon cuts an imposing figure, muscular and bearing numerous scars, testaments to his trainer's abuse. The most salient one is the claw mark on his snout that twists his mouth into a permanent grimace, and has even tore away some of the flesh to expose his teeth; numerous other smaller ones decorate his body, leaving his fur patchy or thin in some places. He limps, rather than lopes as he did in his youth, but has only suffered moderate loss of speed and mobility. In rainy or snowy weather, however, he is significantly impeded by the old injury.
Name: Mizuko
Gender: Male
Level: 45
Eevee or Eeveelution: Vaporeon
Scarred Heart or Healing Heart: Scarred Heart
Job: Fighter, when he's healed
Injury or Health Issue: Badly injured front paw
Backstory: He, along with Vidette, lived with the other six Eeveelutions and an Eevee for a very long time. After the group was forced apart, he disappeared to the ocean. He's gotten in many battles and rarely loses a fight. He's aroace. He only speaks when spoken to.
Appearance (pictures aren't needed!): He has a few battle scars and proudly wears a necklace of Sharpedo teeth.