*smiles* "Good luck!" *looks back ahead at the tall grass* "We're
heading to the barn. Once you arrive you can never turn back to
your human life. You must remain within the Forest of Souls and the
Barn. Unless you choose to be a bandit. If you're a bandit you
travel to the city only to steal."
SilverRibbon sighed and settled back on his nest, he sniffled but
forced the tears back he had to be strong. He still wasn't use to
this place but he would try and act normally now since the time for
morning was over. He sighed and took a deep breath before exhaling
Name: Vidette
Gender: Female
Eevee or Eeveelution: Sylveon
Backstory: She was part of a small group of Eeveelutions before a
disaster forced them all apart. Her motherly nature is a habit from
those days, as her little family seemed to get in LOTS of trouble.
(Especially Seraphina. That Espeon needs to quit stealing.) Vidette
hopes that they were able to find each other again, even if she
isn't there. She's very kind and sweet, and is always there when
you need her. She's a great listener if you need to talk, and she
gives the best advice.
"Hey, assbutt!" ~Castiel (to Michael, before throwing a holy hand
grenade; to Lucifer, before attempting to stab him)
(It's not! But I can't accept you until you tell me if Vidette is a
healing heat or scarred heart. And her job or health issue)
"He seems human like... But I won't judge.."
SilverRibbon looked around, he was really thirsty but no one seemed
to be around. After a bit of waiting he finally decided that he
should try and get it himself. He looked down at his paws and
slowly rose to his feet, being mindful of his broken back leg. He
grunted and slowly began to walk or more like limp forward and out
of his nest.
As Yosei walked around the corner, he noticed SilverRibbon limping
towards the river, "What are you doing out of the nest
SilverRibbon. You shouldn't be walking around on your leg."
SilverRibbon smiled when he was slowly making progress to the
river, it was slow but he was getting there. However he jumped when
he heard yosei's voice, he turned to face the healer his ears
pinned back "sorry I was really thirsty and I didn't see any one"
he said sheepishly as he looked down at his paws.
"Its alright SilverRibbon. Next time just let someone know when you
are thirsty. I will help you over to the river and then I will
bring you back to the barn for another session of healing." Yosei
gently wrapped his feelers around SilverRibbon and helper him over
to the river.
Vidette circles around, checking the other Eeveelutions for
injuries. She speaks soothingly, and her feelers are gentle as she
parts fur to look. She is finishing up with a Glaceon.
((lol i just put a random one in for that))
"Hey, assbutt!" ~Castiel (to Michael, before throwing a holy hand
grenade; to Lucifer, before attempting to stab him)
SilverRibbon was sure that he would get a bit of a punishment,
however he was surprised when yosei had excused him and helped him
get to his destination. He beamed at the sylveon for the first time
"thank you very much Mr. yosei" he chirped happily.
"You are most welcome. Now let's get you back to the barn so we can
heal you some more." Yosei smiled at SilverRibbon with a sparkle in
his eyes at the beaming smile he sent his way.