Forum Thread
Thunder Mountain College
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Thunder Mountain CollegeMeanwhile, Sheri-Anne was grabbing some of Alain's stuff so that he doesn't have to worry, "Wow, I met a Sawsbuck named Snow, and I got my stuff already so hopefully Alain and I will find out who's our professor".
Name: Zero
Age: 19
Gender: male
Crush: not yet :3
Gf/bf: x
Appearance: where a normal manectric's fur would be blue, his fur is black, and where a normal manectric's fur is yellow, his fur is silver. he wears a black and white flat billed cap that he usually wears backwards, and a black spiked collar.
Other: he is very smug, outgoing, and will get into trouble a lot. he has lots of friends (but only a few go to his college). he really likes MLG stuff and most things trending. he often falls asleep in class because he stays up past midnight playing video games. he is kind of smart, but would have straight A's if he didn't keep falling asleep in class. he likes making comebacks, but thinking of them isn't really easy. he's faster than anyone he knows, and gets really over confident sometimes.
Pokemon: Houndoom
Name: Mark
Age: 19 1/2
Gender: male
Crush: not yet :3
Gf/Bf: not currently, his previous girlfriend died of a disease.....
Appearance: normal houndoom with a black and red flat billed cap that he wears backwards.
Other: he also gets in trouble a lot like zero. he was one of zero's first friends.
Pokemon: Furfrou
Name: Hope
Age: barely 19
Gender: female
Crush: not yet :3
Gf/Bf: x
Appearance: normal furfrou, sometimes with a star trim. she wears an amulet with a sapphire on it. she has a light blue and white flat billed cap that she wears backwards.
Other: x
Pokemon: Herdier
Name: Jeff
Age: 19
Gender: male
Crush: not yet :3
Gf/Bf: x
Appearance: normal herdier, with a green and black flat billed cap that he usually wears backwards.
Other: x
(more to come)
(this group is easy to distinguish because they all wear flat billed caps backwards)
Name: Ms.Bella
Age: 27
Gender: female
gf/bf: open
Other: Art
Name: Ms. Izzy
Age: 25
Gender: female
gf/bf: open
Other: History
(Accepted btw)
Sophie-*walks into Art*
Ms Bella-Hello.
Sophie-*shocked by the look of the teacher* H-hello.
Alex-*walks into history*