Fooker soon realized he was asleep, he woke up, and looked at the
Axew. "Oh hello little bud!" He said smiling. He stood up, "Im
Fooker! The master of sticks!" He said and took his sticks up and
started swinging with them, unluckly they both landed in his head.
But after some seconds he was up again. He started laughing. "The
master of sticks has been deafeated by his own sticks!"
(melody hasn't met anyone yet... YET...) Melody's POV
I came upon a Axew and buizel, walking up to the pokemon,
accidentally stepping on a twig. I winced at the twig's cracking.
Puppet growled, and sighed. "I want to be back home. I just don't
want to deal with this junk." She then sat on a stump, and took a
bite out of a apple.
He now sees Ty landing. "Oh hello Ty, did you see the master of
sticks in action?" He said and started laughing a bit. "It was
wonderful!" He said and saw a Deerling. "Oh hello!" He said and
The banette sat and thought for a moment. What if I never get
out of here? What if I'm stuck here for the rest of my life? I need
to go back. Puppet got up, grabbed her things, and ran back the
trail she came from.
Fooker looks at Lily and then looks at Deerling. "Is the Deerling
dangourous?! I never knew that!" He said and took his sticks up.
"Don't worry, the master of sticks, is bad at swinging, but good at