Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Shiny Hunting → CANCELEDShiny Riolu Hunt
Hello, I will be starting a Shiny Riolu Hunt. And I will be collecting 35K Fighting Gems. I'll start the hunt once I reach 30K Gems

The rules are simple, please follow them

-No spamming
-Be fair
-Be polite
-Please hide your signature while posting
Not Rules, But please follow them
My Progress


Dadchi - 240 Gems
Wolfang7 - 256 Gems
PkmnTrainerTiger - 188 Gems
austinfirefire2 - 6 Gems
Pancake - 6 Gems
pidgeotto - 7 Gems
noobzard155 - 30 Gems
Destroyer - 295 Gems
Sazuka - 47 Gems
ImmatureGuy - 280 Gems
Buying Fighting Gems
I'll be buying each gem for 350

375 Fighting Gems for a Shiny(