Forum Thread
| Released | Accepting |
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → | Released | Accepting |You're a Pokemon in a Pokemon game. (And you're aware of it, just saying.) One day, for whatever reason, your trainer takes you to the PC and releases you.
The world around you suddenly pixilates, and turns black, and you begin to fall. And then you black out.
You wake up on some grass. How much time has passed? You don't know. The sky mostly filled with dark clouds, and there appears to be some lightning too. You fell from up there. But where are you now? Well, you're in the deleted world, where released Pokemon go.
Basically, you got released and now you're here.
- Please don't be a Gary/Mary sue. Everyone has flaws.
- When talking Out of character (OOC), put it in brackets.
- Don't be rude to other people in OOC.
- You can have as many characters as you can handle.
- This is the games, not anime. So your reason for why your character was released can't be stuff like "They keep eating all of the food and biting the trainer", because Pokemon can't really do that in a game. Here are some examples (But you aren't limited to) of reasons why someone would release a Pokemon:

- They 'died' in a Nuzlocke.
- Trainer was trying to hatch shiny, but they weren't shiny.
- Trainer wanted a certain nature, and they didn't have it.
- Clearing out PC.
- Restarting a game, and they weren't transferred.
- Trainer was trying to hatch shiny, but they weren't shiny.
- Trainer wanted a certain nature, and they didn't have it.
- Clearing out PC.
- Restarting a game, and they weren't transferred.
- If your character comes from a game from an older generation, they can't recognize Pokemon that were introduced in a later generation. UNLESS your character has been in the deleted world for a long time and has seen what those Pokemon are.
- You can start out with your character just waking up in the deleted world, or them being there already.
- Try to include others, it's sad when I see someone forced to RP by theirself.
- No bunnying. (Bunnying is controlling someone elses character)
- Shinies are allowed, but only three.
(Two spots left for shinies)
- Have fun :3
Fill out:

Nickname (Optional):
Hold items?:
Game they came from:
Why they got released:
Hold items?:
Game they came from:
Why they got released:
My characters:

Nickname (Optional): Fluffy, but her
trainer didn't give her that name, she gave it to herself.
Pokemon: Eevee
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: White
Why they got released: Wasn't the nature the trainer wanted
Nickname (Optional): Burnie
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Gender: Male
Hold items?:
Game they came from: Silver
Why they got released: Died in Nuzlocke
Nickname (Optional): Literally named "Not shiny", goes by "NS"
Pokemon: Skiddo
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: X
Why they got released: Trainer wanted a shiny Skiddo, and she wasn't shiny.
Pokemon: Eevee
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: White
Why they got released: Wasn't the nature the trainer wanted
Nickname (Optional): Burnie
Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Gender: Male
Hold items?:
Game they came from: Silver
Why they got released: Died in Nuzlocke
Nickname (Optional): Literally named "Not shiny", goes by "NS"
Pokemon: Skiddo
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: X
Why they got released: Trainer wanted a shiny Skiddo, and she wasn't shiny.

Nickname (Optional): Marie
Pokemon: Leafeon
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: Diamond
Why they got released: Died in Nuzlocke
Pokemon: Leafeon
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: Diamond
Why they got released: Died in Nuzlocke

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Pokemon: Sylveon
Gender: Male
Hold items?: pixie plate
Game they came from: X
Why they got released: was recieved from wondertrade, he wasn't wanted though so he got released
Nickname (Optional): wasn't named but wants to be called Milo
Pokemon: Espurr
Gender: male
Hold items?: none
Game they came from: Y
Why they got released: wrong gender
Pokemon: Maractus
Gender: Female
Hold items?: Miracle Seed
Game they came from: White 2
Why they got released: She was too weak and her trainer didn't feel like leveling her up.
Other: tacos are cool

"Summers and winters,
through snowy Decembers...
Sat by the water, close to the embers.
Missing out the lives that they once had before..."
~Willow-Jasmine Thompson
Pokemon: Vulpix
Gender: Female
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: Pokemon Red
Why they got released: Restarting a game
Nickname (Optional): Ninja
Pokemon: Riolu
Gender: Male
Hold items?: None
Game they came from: Pokemon X
Why they got released: Didn't have right nature
Pokemon: Zorua
Gender: Female
*Held items?: A everstone because the world is weird
Game they came from: Pokémon black
Why they got released: Friggan trainer thought he could throw away a female zorua for a male shiny zorua hmph
Nickname (Optional): Sweets (Really hates being called that his nickname nickname is spice because whynaut)
Pokemon: Lilligant
Gender: Male
*Held items?: Just a grass plate which his trainer stupidly left with him
Game they came from: Pokémon white
Why they got released: He was hatched a male but his trainer thought he was a female for sometime until he was a Lilligant and got released
Fluffy was reading books in the small library. She was fairly new to this world, so she was curious. Pokemon here write information about their games they knew from before they were released.
Burnie had been in this world for a while. He helped new Pokemon settle in. He sat on the roof of the library.
Not Shiny, who was out cold, was falling from the sky. She then hit the ground and woke up. "Hey.." She mutters. "I'm alive?" She stood up. "AHAHAHAHA COOKIE! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME! I CAN BE SHINY! JUST YOU WAIT!" She laughs.
Sweet was also in the library looking/reading at all da manga books in the small library. After gathering all da manga books he sat on a chair and started ready one of the books called Fairytaluuuuu in Japanese.
NS stops. "But.. where am I? Hm.. let me retrace my steps.. I was hatched in Lumiose city, taken to the daycare a while later.. went to the PC, I was released.. then I blacked out.." She says to herself. Then sees the Zorua falling above her. "AHHH!" She jumps away.
Sweet is currently reading a book be quiet he's trying to read
Fluffy reads:
Chapter one: Where we come from.
We all know that we come from games. But what are they called? Well, sometimes our trainer may mention the game name, here are the ones we know:
Red, Blue, Yellow.. (Basically all of the main series games.)
"Hm.. I wonder where I come from.." Fluffy continues reading.
Natsu~Desu was taking down the evilu dragonoid~kun. But Natsu~desu Got swallowed, but he punched out of the beast and killed it. He also got all the babes, Like Lucy~Chan and Wendy~Dona "Wow this manga is really good!" He said having a really bad since of manga.
Zeke jumped off the Espurr and looked around. "What happened?"