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Forum Thread

War Never Changes ~ Fallout Fan-Club ☢

Forum-Index Fan Clubs Inactive Clubs War Never Changes ~ Fallout Fan-Club ☢
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 424
Posted: Fri, 08/04/2016 19:11 (8 Years ago)

Welcome to the Fallout Fan-Club!

First of all, let's get the boring rules outta the way ~

✘ Rule 1
Please. No. Drama. I cannot emphasis this enough. Look, you might love the enclave, but some other bloke might not, just don't get into a massive fight about it. This fan club exists just for the fans to talk to each other and have fun looking forward to the next games/DLC's but also to discuss previous games, characters, etc, it is not for people to argue and form grudges against! Just have fun and relax!

✘ Rule 2
All Pokehero rules should be followed as normally. This isn't the biggest rule to enforce as I generally think anyone using this site should be following the rules at least? Anyway, there's a link at the bottom of the screen in case ya'll forgot! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

✘ Rule 3
If you haven't been accepted, please don't post yet!! Also, if you are not accepted for any reason, don't spam the forum or annoy other people - very simple!

✘ Rule 4
Nothing 'too off topic'. Bethesda are incredible game developers/creators so if you're making a point or something, comparing a game to skyrim or something is allowed - However, just ranting on about Doom or some other game made by them/another company/something not fallout related at all, isn't allowed. If you want to bring up a point or ask someone about another topic, send a pm or pal-pad!

✘ Rule 5
Have fun! Hope you can all chat, discuss and have fun! (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥

Joining Form

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Ad Victoriam! ★
Any Nicknames?:
Favorite Fallout Game?:
Any favorite characters/companions?:
Would you choose a faction/group? And if so, which one? ^^'
Does another settlement need your help? (Optional, only for a bit of banter.. (─‿‿─) )

List of wastelanders/vault-dwellers in the association

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➸ Scotland
(No one else right now.. ಥ_ಥ )

Possible discussion ~

(Possible spoilers ahead!)
Do you believe that the Institute was good or bad for the commonwealth? You decide!

Ready to head out into the wasteland? Jump in and join the fan-club, but remember, war never changes!