Forum Thread
pencilvania (drawn RP)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → pencilvania (drawn RP)
there once was an empty peace of
paper, then the paper got recycled. then the paper got combined
with a paper wich was writen on with a magic pencil, then, when it
was sold, a younge kid artist drew on it and things came to life!,
but the paper had some ink and when the kid used a pen evil things
came to life!, the only way to stop them is to kill them!

all basic rp rules wich everybody
password: magic tragic
note:you can be non-stick-women/men, any not OP being, even a rock
password: magic tragic
note:you can be non-stick-women/men, any not OP being, even a rock
drawing name: pencilio
drawing look:

pencil or pen/good or evil: good
password:(im the owner)
Drawing name: The Chinese Wizard
Drawing look: Here
Pencil or Pen/Good or Evil: Good
Password: magic tragic
Ability (yes, I added this by myself): Can cast a cloud drawing that anyone who's good could ride on
(No offence to China right there :'D)
drawing name: Leo
drawing look:
pencil or pen/good or evil: Good
Ability: it can split it self (max is 10)
password:Magic Tragic
drawing name: Shadow
drawing look:
pencil or pen/good or evil:Evil
Ability: Can shrink(become small)
password:Magic Tragic

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra
The Chinese Wizard cast his spell.
. . .
A cloud appeared!
"Ni hao!" (hello/good day in chinese) he said pleasantly. "Come up here, this cloud is- err, how do you bufzers say it...yes! Magical! We can escape from the giant ink blob!"

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra

Credits to KaitoTemari
Avi made by MetalHeadKendra