Forum Thread
Pokemon:Kanto Journeys
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokemon:Kanto Journeys"Flare! Mega evolve! He said and both charged towards the battle scene. They were about to land on top of terumi when she disappeared and they crashed to the ground, creating lots of dust. Flare, now mega charizard X, coughed some blue flames,
"Hum...A-Are you okay?" she asked timidly, showing to be less cautious than Curtis, but more shy.
"Here! Meet my pokemon which I have now! Go! Blaze, Volt, Ace!" Victro announced calling out his Raichu, Typhlosion and shiny rayquaza.
He sent out her other three Pokemon.
"Yeah...I was surprised too when I got him, but he's a precious partner and friend." she said, following them. "Well, truth to be told I think I'll need to catch other two...I've been travelling only with these four and went well in these two years...but I think I should really catch two new Pokemon...But first I need to heal my team, since I've been training."
"Err... Prof? I needed Blaziken and Drill right now to complete my Party..." Victor said, embarrassed.
"Oh.. Just sending the pokeballs. They missed you awfully." Oak said, semding two pokeballs. Victor called the pokemon. A blaziken and Excadrill came out.
Then she went to Nurse Joy, after returning her team, to have her Pokemon healed, while she was starting to wonder on what Pokemon she could catch, opting to the end when she could find them for a Oddish (to evolve into a Bellossom) and a Goldeen.