Forum Thread
Many Rp Sign Ups (Accepting)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → RP Sign-up → Many Rp Sign Ups (Accepting)Previous names: RiverKit, Riverpaw(For the ones who came late to the Rp)
Gender: female
Skills: hunting, swimming, not very good at fighting
Age: 17 moons
Rank: New Warrior
Clan: (Will be decided)
Kin: unknown
Appearance: Main coon Tabby with pale blue eyes, stripes are more creamish than grey
Personality: a moody and prickly cat. She prefers the company of cats she is very close to
Mate: ???
Crush: ???
Disability: her short fur makes her a lot colder after swimming
Traveling Or Staying: staying
Title: Update
Name: (Example: White Water) Thunder Moon
Previous names: (For the ones who came late to the Rp)(Silver Claw?)
Skills:She can run very fast
Age: 15 moons
Rank: Queen
Clan: (Will be decided)
Rank In Clan: (If it is decided)
Appearance: yellow fur and white stomach
Personality: She can sometimes be short tempered, but is usually friendly
Mate:Silver Claw
Disability: None
Traveling Or Staying: Traveling
Title: New Update
1.Please use the Title to inform me which Rp you are listing in.
2.Major Updates To all Sign-Ups May Include News one as well
3.New advertising
4.Pictures will be add to describe an Area
5.Red Letters will describe when a current form is Closed or Open, Black Letters describe when the whole thing is closed and Blue Letters describe when I'm updating.
6.I will inform this Multi sign up, when there will be another Rp coming up, and I'll have a important schedule for everything.
Title: Making Of Clans
Gender: Male
Skills: Great at hunting and Fighting
Age: 22
Rank: None
Clan: (Will be decided)
Rank In Clan: (If it is decided)
Kin: All dead
Appearance: Unusual Leopard color Tom
Personality:He may be mean looking, but he is soft once he trust someone, and he is a very loyal cat.
Crush:White Rose (If Okay?)
Disability: History of being very unhealthy
Traveling Or Staying: Traveling
Name: Tiger Leap
Previous names: Strike
Gender: female
Skills: she can jump very high, and hunt well in the trees
Age: 20 moons
Rank: warrior
Clan: (Will be decided)
Rank In Clan: (If it is decided)
Appearance: orange tabby she cat with a tiger like pelt amber eyes and a white chest and paws
Personality: kind, loyal, noble, brave, she has a sharp tongue, and is a bit hard headed
Disability: she isn't very fast which causes her to get caught easily in battle
Traveling Or Staying: travelling
Name: Peak Rock
Previous names: None
Gender: Female
Skills: Running
Age: 23 moons
Rank: Hunter
Clan: (Will be decided)
Rank In Clan: (If it is decided)
Kin: Frost Freeze

Mate: None
Crush: None
Disability: Not yet
Traveling Or Staying: Traveling
Name: Frost Freeze
Previous names: None
Gender: Female
Skills: Fighting
Age: 23
Rank: Hunter
Clan: (Will be decided)
Rank In Clan: (If it is decided)
Kin: Peak Rock

Mate: None`
Crush: None
Disability: None
Traveling Or Staying: Staying