Draco quickly transformed into his Kaiser armor and flew off. Draco
landed in between the group and the soldiers. Draco threw a smoke
bomb that covered the whole area and started cutting down the
soldiers with his sword.
Soon the smoke cleared and only SheMy and Draco were standing. The
bodies were on the ground but they were not dead. Kaiser sighed,
his voice slightly robotic because of his armor.
(Kaiser hasn't existed in this time period and their is only 1
Kaiser. If you Draco's history, he is a hero named Kaiser from the
future. Know one except people from the future know of his
Lotus coughed because of the smokescreen "What happened!?" Lotus
looks at Draco "Did YOU do this? I admire your fighting ability and
strategy, but how did you know we were in danger?" Lotus asks Draco
"That is confidential information." Draco looked at Lotus's spear.
"Judging by your spear, you should be from the future. Spears of
those kind don't exist here. You should know who I am then if you
are from the future." Draco said
Aurora reaching the group slightly out of breath observes
everything. "Well then." Walking to the tree with her arrow in it
she takes it out and puts in the quiver cautiously looks at
everything. Watching in slight interest at the troop on the floor
"Again, that information is confidential." Draco said. Draco put
his sword away and pulled out a small bag full of dust. Draco
tossed the dust all over the bodies causing them to vanish.
Lotus soon recognizes him "Wait...you're the legendary Kaiser!
But...didn't you lose to Magnus in your battle with him?" Lotus
asks, confused about the situation
Lotus looked confused "Wait, so this is..the past?" Lotus sighed
"That explains why Irkana looks different than I remember." Lotus
saw Draco about to take off "It was an honor to meet you."
"We'll be taking our leave as well, then." Amon called,
dragging along the younger angel. "You're annoying, I don't like
you." He muttered low enough so that only Kel could hear. "Rude."
She scoffed, growing more hateful of him as she flied alongside
him. "I could always eat you or guide you to my clan~" He mocked,
smirking at her silent fuming.