Forum Thread
[L] (closed, will hand out prizes shortly)
Forum-Index → Contests → User-made contests → [L] (closed, will hand out prizes shortly)Theres' absolutely no limit at all, it's fair game for everyone who's entered :)
Just please be sure you want to donate these, since it is a really big amount compared to everyone else who has donated, (by all means, not a bad thing!) but just for your own sake, if for what ever reason, the random generator I use doesn't chose your number kinda thing, i'd really hate for yourself to feel disappointed in all of this :x
but yeah, if you're absolutely sure on all of this, you're good to send whenever :)
Amount of tickets you're buying: 20
Are you sure you've read all the rules : Yes~
|| PH Wiki || Royal Tunnel Guide ||
I have now reached my goal of 20k normal gems, thanks to such generous users as yourself (and those who wish to stay anonymous)
I could have NEVER done this without the help from all of you guys, and thank you so, so, so much!
I'll let this lotto run until the end of today (so reset in an hour) for people who are wanting to submit last minute tickets, but once reset happens, the lottery will finally be over.
I'll either update this post, (or if someone posts after this one), post another message with the results from the lottery!
I'll be hunting everything in order (so first place gets first hunt, & so on), 7th place onwards, will receive their shinies right away, since those are already hatched, the shinies will hold your usernames in the trade station :)
There was an amazing, 976 tickets sold!
I was originally going to go by numbers (as you can see from the spreadsheet) but I figured just posting usernames would've been the much quicker solution, same outcome as tickets, but you just don't which ticket of yours won :)
I could only fit the first 59 users on there, but if someone is curious, I am more than willing to show you the full 976 list, to see where each of you placed.
At the end of this contest, I have managed to collect 40 prizes
so, if your name is in the top 40, then you'll be receiving a prize!
I'll be pp'ing every one of you to let you know what you've won, and also pp the top 6 winners so we can figure out what shinies you'd like.
Rules/prizes & pretty much everything on here has been updated to meet the new rule requirements.
Please note that the prizes in this thread will always be changing (as in, the current ones will stay, but the more items I get, the more prizes I will add in!)
You can send them whenever!
prize list has been updated, hard rock, light rock, two more bottled messages & a red lunar wing have been added in as prizes, thanks so a super generous and just adorable user <3 (thank you SO much!)
& added more mystery box prizes for the milestone section!
just please, don't send me gems until i've approved it here next time, okay? :)
We've reached the first 1k milestone, as well!
At reset tonight (as i'm a little busy with work right now) I will raffle off the first 5 milestone prizes!
As only three people have donated so far, all three of you will still be eligible for the 5 prizes that should be raffled off, if there were more than 5 whom donated.
I'll update this post (or make a new one if someone else posts after this with donations) with the winners & send the items your way!
Edit; here we go!
first round;
DJDarkWolf; 2x matching box/key set
Lizzagna; two relic copper
Walkingonsunshine; Helix fossil
(and as said, five prizes will be given out, your three names were thrown in randomly again;
DJDarkWolf; 2x matching box/key set
Walkingonsunshine; 2x matching box/key set
Due to DJ's donation, theres' an overflow of 190 gems taken from the last round, and added into this round :)