Forum Thread
Oc Thing......? (Invite Only)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → Oc Thing......? (Invite Only)Rules

-No mary sues
-No puppeteering
-Only use your ocs, no random pictures off the internet
-This is invite only, meaning unless you are invited by either FolleyBlitz, emelicious, or Monochrome, stay out
-Use images, not descriptions!
-Only FolleyBlitz emelicious and *Neptune* can accept chu
-We probably won't actually post accepted, so just check the main post to see if you've been put in the accepted characters box, if not then we probably haven't seen your form yet, so be patient.
-No rudeness outside of rping
-Romance, gore, and basically rping on crack are probably going to happen
-Don't try to 'correct' someone's form, I assure you, we can do that ourselves.
-Break a rule you get a strike, if you complain you get another strike. Get three strikes, your out!

My Form(s)

Name: Folley Blitz
Age: ???
Gender: ???? (She/her pronouns)
Species: Encased Demon
Sexuality: Doesn't really understand the concept of "Love"

Personality: Kind of random, it varies
History: Won't tell you for 40 bits.
Bf/Gf: nah
Crush: nah
Name: Faux
Age: 10 ish
Gender: Female...?
Species: Gabite
Sexuality: Lesbian

Personality: Outgoing, often comes over as obnoxious and rude, doesn't know when she's gone to far. Gets jealous easily
History: nah
Crush: Marie
Other: nah
Name: Smokey Quartz (sim)
Age: ???
Gender: Female
Species: thing
Sexuality: Strait

Personality: Shy, Weird, and Slow to process. Takes her a bit to talk and react, hard for her to be around lots of people as the noise and colors bombard her senses and cause her to have a brain lag
History: Used to be a really active, outgoing kind of person before one day returning from the woods, she just.... was like this. No one really knows what happened, and when you ask her she ignores you
Bf/Gf: Blu
Crush: Blu
Other: nah

Name: Marie
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: leafeon
Sexuality: Bi
Personality: She's smart and nerdy, almost always talking about some nerdy crap.
History: NEVER
Bf/Gf: none
Crush: open
Other: She freaking loves Amy like a sister because she has a bowtie and other reasons.
Name: Amy
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Species: Cat thingy
Sexuality: Straight
Personality: SHe's nice and fun, but can be snappy when it comes to cleanliness or her bowtie.
History: NUPE
Bf/Gf: open
Crush: open
Other: (More to be added, probably.)
Age: 11
Gender: Female
Species: leafeon
Sexuality: Bi

Personality: She's smart and nerdy, almost always talking about some nerdy crap.
History: NEVER
Bf/Gf: none
Crush: open
Other: She freaking loves Amy like a sister because she has a bowtie and other reasons.
Name: Amy
Age: ??
Gender: Female
Species: Cat thingy
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: SHe's nice and fun, but can be snappy when it comes to cleanliness or her bowtie.
History: NUPE
Bf/Gf: open
Crush: open
Other: (More to be added, probably.)

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"

Name: Blu
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Thingy thing
Sexuality: its kinda all over the place
for now that weird dog thing. I didn't have time
to make him
Personality: Stern, r00d, grump, scardy-dog, around sim hes more open, shy, weird, and happy?
History: he has none, or so they think
Bf/Gf: Sim (For odd reasons)
Crush: Simy simy
Other: mY TAIL HAS AN EYE AND A PERSONALTY (Yeah he thinks that)
Age: ???
Gender: Male
Species: Thingy thing
Sexuality: its kinda all over the place

Personality: Stern, r00d, grump, scardy-dog, around sim hes more open, shy, weird, and happy?
History: he has none, or so they think
Bf/Gf: Sim (For odd reasons)
Crush: Simy simy
Other: mY TAIL HAS AN EYE AND A PERSONALTY (Yeah he thinks that)

Name: Ecto
Age: 3, but was grown to adulthood in her growing tank in the lab.
Gender: None, but likes to think of herself as a girl.
Species: Plasma Creature
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: x
Personality: Shy, trusting once she gets to know someone, snaps very easily, playful, easily scared.
History: Ecto was created in a lab as the first successful scientifically created being with no faults. She had seemed to be perfect, until a huge flaw in her design caused her to be thrown out. She hates talking about why, and it makes her cry almost every time she shares the story.
Bf/Gf: None
Crush: Open
Name: Sterling
Age: 110
Gender: Male
Species: Star Being
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: x x x
Personality: Kingly, a bit bossy, protective, has trust issues, pretty grumpy.
History: N/A
Bf/Gf: Open
Crush: Open
Name: Masks
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Fae Dragon
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: x x
Personality: Lacks self confidence, pretty trusting in others,
History: Because of his lack of color, Masks was forced into hiding to keep the Faerie world colorful. His siblings eventually just told him to leave all together, so he created a mask or himself to cover up his sorrow. He stopped using it after he started to embrace his sadness.
Bf/Gf: Open
Crush: Open
Other: Nope
Age: 3, but was grown to adulthood in her growing tank in the lab.
Gender: None, but likes to think of herself as a girl.
Species: Plasma Creature
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: x
Personality: Shy, trusting once she gets to know someone, snaps very easily, playful, easily scared.
History: Ecto was created in a lab as the first successful scientifically created being with no faults. She had seemed to be perfect, until a huge flaw in her design caused her to be thrown out. She hates talking about why, and it makes her cry almost every time she shares the story.
Bf/Gf: None
Crush: Open
Name: Sterling
Age: 110
Gender: Male
Species: Star Being
Sexuality: Straight
Appearance: x x x
Personality: Kingly, a bit bossy, protective, has trust issues, pretty grumpy.
History: N/A
Bf/Gf: Open
Crush: Open
Name: Masks
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Fae Dragon
Sexuality: Gay
Appearance: x x
Personality: Lacks self confidence, pretty trusting in others,
History: Because of his lack of color, Masks was forced into hiding to keep the Faerie world colorful. His siblings eventually just told him to leave all together, so he created a mask or himself to cover up his sorrow. He stopped using it after he started to embrace his sadness.
Bf/Gf: Open
Crush: Open
Other: Nope
or wait to see if we can find one other person we want to join. Anyways, thanks for joining us Starry 'w'

Name: Musical Strokes
Age: 15
Gender Male
Species: Pegasus
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: He constantly worries about his friends, but doesn't wants his friends to worry about him. He will always try to see good points rather than negative points on new experiences, although he finds mostly the bad points. Even if he tries to look kind and fun outside, inside he can be very emotional about everything.
History: When the Rainboom happened, besides the rock getting cut in half and revealing its diamonds, Rarity also accidentally stumbled and falled at Musical Stroke, who was lost and was trying to go back to Ponyville. The whole meeting made a Drill Bear thingy awaken, but Musical and Rarity could hide. Since Musical had good drawing skills for his age, and also was carrying a recorder around and the path back to Ponyville was blocked, Musical painted Rarity's colors on a rock that looked like her, and turned on the recorder, unleashing a annoying music. The Drill Bear fell to this trick and destroyed the rocks that were blocking the path and sadly the recorder too, but Musical and Rarity were able to escape with pieces of the recorder. This is how Musical got his Cutie Mark.
Bf/Gf: nah
Crush: nah
Other: bah
Name: Eudjinne
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Species: Genie
Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: As a result of being lonely in his Lamp and barely talking with people on the Undernet, Eudjinne has poor social abilities and can consider someone a friend very quickly. Around both friends and strangers he acts like he don't care too much. But when they talk about something important, like a new Human on the Underground, Eudjinne will become serious. He also constantly worries about things, for example, if his friends are gonna jump into the CORE, he will constantly warn them to NOT jump, and if they ignore him he will problably do something aggresive. He also warns people to NOT ask HIM for wishes, since Genies get better at their habilities when aging, and, as a teenger Genie, Eudjinne has poor control on his habilities.
History: Still as a baby genie, Eudjinne's parents had to give Eudjinne to W.D Gaster. It is unknown why they had to do that. Eudjinne aged while he was under Gaster's care, until the day that Gaster's life was cut short. He lived on the city (New Home) for some time, until one day he met Alphys on the Lab. One day, Alphys made a Lamp for him, and he started to live on his Lamp. He still visits Alphys frequently during "Anime Wednesdays".
Bf/Gf: nah
Crush: nah
Other: nah
Name: Miles
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Species: Shiny Buizel
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: WIP
History: WIP
Bf/Gf: nah
Crush: nah
Other: nah
Folley was sprawled out under a tree in the park. She hadn't moved in so long that the birds she had accidentally scared off earlier were coming back, and a few had even landed on her. One even had the audacity to perch on her nose, which made her sneeze, causing a few to flutter away, but come back after a minute or two.
Smokey was laying on her couch (I guess in an apartment or something??) staring at the TV, which illuminated her and her surroundings with a soft glow. The blinds were shut, so the TV and the light slipping under the cracks of the door frame where the only things lighting the room.
Faux unsuccessfully tried to pull her scarf free, which had become entangled in a thorn bush while still wrapped around her neck. she had been fighting with the bush for a good five minutes and was loosing. Eventually giving up, she curled up next to the bush on a pile of dead leaves and waited to see if anyone would happen to pass by and help her.
(suuuper long post sorry)
Sterling was sprawled out onto the soft rug in his study, reading a book titled Creatures Of Foreign Lands, his curiosity of planet Earth overwhelming him. His giant paws flipped the pages slowly, careful not to tear any of them.
Ecto wandered the park aimlessly, looking for something to eat or somewhere to rest. She shivered, thinking of staying the night in an old box like she did last night. The wind blew softly against her semisolid body.
"Hmph..." Masks grunted, floating above a bench. He looked out onto the water and sighed, rubbing his paws together slowly. He knew he should probably be at home before he got too old, but home was the last place he wanted to be at the moment. It reminded him too much of his homeland.
Folley is still being weird
Smokey flicked her tail and used the pointed tip to change the channel, completely still otherwise.
Faux grumpily stared at the bush, and stood back up, giving one less attempt at freeing her scarf. This time she succeeded, but the force from her pulling sent her sprawling backwards, back of her head hitting the ground first with her scarf still in her mouth.
Amy was in her apartment that she shared with her roomie, Marie. She was reading a manga, flipping through the backwards pages as she read. Her eyes wandered from the book to the fridge, and her stomach growled. Setting down the book, she went to it. She opened the fridge, and grabbed a piece of ham, devouring it.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"
Smokey re-positioned herself, then fell of the couch as one of the cushions came loose. Growling to herself, she pushed the cushion back onto the couch and jumped back up.
Folley slowly fell asleep. There were now more birds on her and on the tree, so their chirping had gotten louder, eventually forming a melody as each bird's part fell into place. She let out a sigh, and finally for the first time in the last two days (she's an insomniac), got to rest.
Amy went back to the couch and curled up, falling asleep due to the fact when you eat, you get tired. (SCIENCE) She shifted in her sleep, and shivered with no blanket on her.

”Hello There! I am Alter Ego, your technological guide!"