Forum Thread
Change in Forum search
Forum-Index → Suggestions → Rejected → Change in Forum searchBefore you say it has already been suggested before, Forum search is (according to me, needing an improvement/update.
Q.1. What is the update?
The forum search dosen't show results by Title. I guess it is a major problem as people cannot find the threads they are looking for, in a easy way. And also, the results should be from most recent to the last one.
Q.2. Why is it needed?
Many say (when they give link and say 'Suggested here')the suggestion which you find best should be bumped insted of making a new one. I went through ALL THE suggestions (which are anywhere near recents) and they are so short and unexplaining that people don't get the idea. That is why I had to post this.
If you vote 'It should not be implemented', Please give a reason. I accept any criticism and New Ideas regarding the suggestions are welcome!
Here are ideas by others!
(Here it is, just for anyone that wants it as reference)
"Don't let someone else make you feel guilty or ashamed about something you don't have control over, whether it is your skin color, your sexual preference or otherwise."
- Alex Bolton (I Hate Everything)