Toriel continues down the path while Tim stops to read the sign
"The western room is the eastern room's blueprints..." Tim read
aloud Tim continue but Toriel stops the humans
"This is the puzzle, but...please take my hands for a moment
children." Toriel advises
He listened to Toriel and stayed close to her. He wanted to see how
this puzzle worked, and maybe he could try it on his own sometime.
Then again, what would be the point?
Kate puts her hands in her skinny blue jeans and walks so fast, it
seem like she was running. 'About time' she thought 'Though she
will never leave us alone'
Tim halts Kate "H-hey, why have you been acting so cold? No one's
trying to distance you, we've been treated with kindness ever since
we've fallen down here....with one acception...but that's no reason
to distrust EVERY Monster, Toriel's pretty nice and only wishes our
safety...after all, she saved us, why would you act so cold to our
savior?" Tim asks concerned
"Then why are you acting so nice?" Kate looked away from him "This
is NOT my home and it never will be" she said it almost screaming.
She had a lot of anger inside her.
Tim tries to calm Kate down "It doesn't have to be, we can try to
reason with her, she's probably just a bit over-protective." Tim
smiles "I'll try and make sure we all get home." Tim continues to
the end of the room
Kurloz was pretty far ahead. He didn't stop walking to calm down
Kate. He had only continued. It would have been nice to stop with
Tim and help him with Kate, but he wasn't thinking.
Tim catches up with Kurloz "Never really get to talk with you. So
Kurloz...why'd you attack the dummy?" Tim questions "I mean, you
seem pretty why?"