Forum Thread
Magic Mismagius (M.M)
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Inactive Clubs → Magic Mismagius (M.M)
As of finding the cursed woods you must follow our rules:

1)ALL pokeheroes rules apply
2)no mini-moding(see coming soon about mods for here)
3)be a kind mismagius and respect others and plz no drama bc nobody likes a drama ghost
4)no violence bc 1 this is a peacful woods even though its cursed
may 6th: write a spring poem about how you feel with the oncoming nicer weather prizes: 1st, 2 leafeon ( male + female )and 4,000pd. 2nd, 1 leafeon (you pick which gender). 3rd, a male eevee
may 24th: have the strongest ghost OR dark typeprizes: 1st, [ not yet known ]. 2nd, [not yet known]. 3rd, [not yet known]
may 18th: chatquiz prizes not yet known
sign up fourm:
why you want to join:
Uchicha sasuke
Ghost Rayqayza
comming soon:
Our offical banner:

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...
EDIT: we also might accept sableye loves into the cursed woods that or banette bc i feel sorry bout banette being lonely and discarded never having the joy of love

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...
why you want to join: Seems like a fun group :)
password: bubble
what is pewdiepie's enemy: ( u dont HAVE to but if u want to prove ur a bro go ahead) I watch pewdiepie sometimes. He just cusses to much. (Yes I know, I am a teen that still doesn't like cussing.
why you want to join: This seems like an adorable FC, and I like mismagius! ^^
password: bubble~
what is pewdiepie's enemy: BARRELS! >:U
(As much as I love Pewds, other people might not know who he is, so it seems a little unfair to ask this... unless it doesn't really count >w<)
edit: @forestrain accepted welcome to our little area of the pokeworld we greet you with many happy smiles and sing joyful incantations :)

I can't march on because i'm already far too broken...

Here Is The Code And Stuff For It Ok