Forum Thread
No pokemon, No life
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → No pokemon, No lifeRUN LUKI,RUN!)
Luki picked two pokeballs.He didn't knew but in there contained charmander and gabite.
He ran as fast as he could trying to catch up
"Great idea Luki,Stay a while there untill night-time.You even KNOW that pokemons are more agressive but no,you just stud there to have a better chance of better pokemon"
He started to go to a wrong direction and out of his pokeball Gabite appeared
He showed him the path everybody went to
"What ?
How can you know that ?
You didn't even saw them..."
Charmader joins Gabite out of his pokeball
"It's that beacause your ground type ?"
Gabite nods
"Kay then... I guess I will follow...If you think that's the right way and even a charmander joins you..."
They walk normally on the path the rest taken
Justin had wandered into a forest and was making his way toward the next town. He didn't see a Pokémart so he assumed that he needed to go to the next town or city. He watched his Swablu poke around at everything, much to his annoyance.
Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Justin had to call to Cloud and Serpentine a few times, when they wandered off. But other than that, the trip through the forest was relatively easy. Even if they had a few Caterpies and Metapods in their way, they still managed to get through. Then they saw a Bug Catcher look toward them. "Hey, let's battle!" the NPC trainer called, throwing out a Kakuna. Justin smiled. "Alright, Cloud! Let's do this!"
Diary | Adoptables
Toyhouse | Deviantart | Flight Rising
Name: Jera
Age: 11
Gender: f
Appearance: a girl with blue eyes and blonde hair, wears a brown hoodie with the hood up and blue jeans
History; tbrpd
Crush: none
Pokemon: a absol and poochyena
Other: has cat ears and tail, detachable.