Forum Thread
Waffle's Shop
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Waffle's ShopYou walk into the store and see a small shiny Sewaddle with a small pink bow behind the counter. The Sewaddle looks up at you and smiles.
Leaf picks up a small piece of paper and gives it to you.

1. Follow all PH rules.
2. Please do NOT rush me, or you will NOT get your order.
3. I have the right to deny your request.(But if it is reasonable, then I will most likely accept it :))
5. When I complete your order, the pokemon will be in the GTS, and I will notify you here.
6. Once you place an order, please subscribe to the thread.
7. Trade won't be accepted until I receive the payment.
8. Friends will get special exceptions on some of the stuff. Please do NOT become my friend just for cheap pokemon.
9. If you DO NOT send the payment in 5-7 days, I have the right to deny your order.
10. The password is Sentret.
Leaf grabs the paper back from you and steps out from behind the counter.
Leaf waddles and you follow her. She brings you to a spot where you can find a list of every pokemon that they have for sale.

List of Pokemon for Sale (At This Time):
- Sewaddle
- Furrets/Sentrets
(More to Come)
Leaf begins to waddle back towards the counter, and you follow her impatiently. Leaf goes back behind the counter and rummages through her papers. She hands you a small pamphlet.


~All Gems cost 350 PD~
~Evo. Stones:~
*Since the new update, if a gem isn't in stock, I can brew it for you.*

~Earth Plates Cost 18,000 PD, Every Other Evo. Stone Costs 500 PD, Spray Duck Costs 1,400 PD~
~Mystery Boxes & Keys:~
~All Mystery Boxes Cost 8,000 PD, All Keys Cost 7,500 PD~
~Other Items:~

Leaf grabs the pamphlet back and puts it on her desk. She looks up at you.
Leaf hands you another small piece of paper.

Leaf whispers something to herself:
Leaf sees you looking at her and blushes.
Leaf grabs the paper back from you.
Leaf hands you a form to fill in.

How many of each pokemon:
How many items you would like:
Total Payment:
You notice three pieces of paper taped to the counter. Leaf points to the one in the middle.

1. DancingArti (One female & one male Sentret/Furret)[Done!]
2. andrewanlol (One red key)[Cancelled]
3. disturbedchris(20 dark gems, 25 grass gems, 15 steel gems, one red key)[Done!]
4. DancingArti (One female Sewaddle) [Done!]
5. WolfStorm[sent order VIA Palpad] (One red key, 20 Fighting Gems) [Done!]
6. andrewanlol (Two green keys)[Done!]
7. DancingArti (20 Normal Gems) [FRIEND DISCOUNT!][Done!]
8. andrewanlol (4 dark blue keys)[Done!]
9. ~BlueStars~ (10 Normal Gems and 10 Electric Gems)[Done!]
10. TheRealMossi (10 Normal Gems)[Waiting]
Leaf points to the paper on the right.
You notice that Leaf looks sad while she's saying this. She points to the paper on the left.
Leaf points to a small poster hung up on the wall. You go over to it and take a better look.
You smile at Leaf.
You nod as you see another Sewaddle with a small light blue bow come over.
Waffle looks at you with a threatening expression. You nod and Waffle's expression changes to a smile.

Credit to Tsumiki!